Many Hens (35+); but not many opinion to share?

Anything that produces stress on the bird tends to depress laying: heat, pecking order issues, pestering roosters, changes in the environment, etc. So if you can think of what you can control to make the hens more comfortable and happier, they ought to lay better for you.

I don't think chickens care about how clean the coop is, but I do think they care about their nests. Mites can collect and hide there, too. I use plastic nestboxes so they can be easily and frequently cleaned and the bedding replaced.
Well, you've taken care of the rooster problem, which definitely could have been a contributing factor if they were pouncing at every turn...very stressful. And now you're working on the protein issue for the possible molt. Remember, either stress or protein deficiency will not be "cured" overnight. Give it a week or two. I do agree with others that if your girls are free ranging, there could very likely be hidden eggs out there, especially if they were avoiding the coop area due to possible rooster ambushes. If you have a run, you may need to contain your hens for a week or so to get a clear picture of whether THAT has been part of the problem. Good luck...give it a little time...
I agree with the above post, whenever I have a drop in egg production, I lock the girls in the run/coop for a few days, and get everyone back in the habit of laying in the nests. If you are home, and can hear the girls, listen for the egg song, and go immediately and a lot of times you can find a hidden nest.

But I just put them on house arrest for a bit, and usually my production goes right back up! MrsK

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