Many of my chicks quit on day 14 or so?

I think I did respond to your other post, yes it was a dead thread, I don't think many people were watching it....

I'm totally guessing at this, but the chick with the bag attached to its rear, seems to me that it died just before it was ready to hatch. It was almost ready, just needed to finish up that last stage of development.

The second pic, the yellow stuff looks like egg poo, I think it's normal... maybe somebody else with more experience will say something.

Yes, it could be the air sacs were too small, meaning your humidity was too high for the most part of the incubation.
If you choose to do another batch in the future I would get a separate thermometer and hydrometer just to make sure your incubator is correct
Sorry about your bad batch, I know how hard it is.

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