Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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This is all mid season now. We have some hens which lay lighter than those & one who lays a darker egg. I'm trying to get the darker eggs bigger & with a gloss.....& trying to have the nice type.
It's a never ending project.
Haven't got my pics uploaded yet, but I have 15 new Marans and 2 new crosses today. This was a much improved hatch, but still could be a lot better. This time I ran the incubator DRY. It maintained at about 25% humidity the entire time, with no water in it at all. At the end, I added a tiny bit of water, and let it get between 45-55% humidity. I STILL had chicks drown. But at least it was better than before.

Easter Egger x Ameraucana crosses: 2 out of 2 hatched.

My own Marans: 9 out of 10 hatched; the other one drowned in the shell, air-cell was pipped.

Shipped Langshans: 7 out of 12 hatched; the other five were all perfect, fully developed, appear to have drowned. One definitely did, as it pipped at the bottom of the shell.

Shipped Marans (from oblio13): 6 out of 12 hatched. I know, that's a great percentage for shipped Marans. But it's just frustrating because, like with all the others, the eggs that did not hatch contained perfectly developed dead chicks. Arrrrgh!

The shipped Marans had the hardest time of all hatching, and I did help a lot. They also had the longest time lapse from pip to hatch--over 24 hours for each of them. I still have three of them in the incubator, waiting for them to gain strength and get to their feet before I put them in the brooder. One is really struggling, still in the bottom half of its shell. I'm not sure he'll make it, but I'm letting him try.

Oh, and I got *one* sweet little Wheaten chick from Brad's eggs! It's adorable. Now, of course, I'm going to need MORE.
ninjapoodles, congrats on an improved hatch rate and all your new peeps!

Are you sure they drowned as opposed to getting shrink-wrapped? I would think that they might benefit from higher humidity during the last 3 days, like 55-60%, to prevent shrink-wrapping. The drowning is, IMHO, from not having lost enough weight (moisture) during the first 18.

I think I've gotten the incubation thing down to a science with the use of the gram scale.

Peep this:

can't wait to do it again!

I axed the same question the other day and didn't get an answer yet, but it sure seems true to me. I have a 19-week-old trio of Cuckoos, the girls have stripes and the boy doesn't; I have 27 Cuckoo peeps in the brooder and whether I sort them by color or by stripe, I get very close to the same result, only two that have both questionable coloring and stripes. For the time being, I'm believing in the stripes. Unfortch, I'm not gonna wind up raising these particular peeps myself, they're going back to the gal who supplied the eggs, so I won't witness the outcome firsthand. But, I'll hatch some more Cuckoos in the near future.

So wish me luck, just got a LG and have to set it up fast, friends inc. died and just got some eggs so have to try them. They are nice and dark so I hope I dont kill them. Ive never done this before...
Im scared but I do know they wont make it so wish me LUCK
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