Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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Egg color is between 4-5 right now, they seem to be getting darker the longer she is laying; about 2 weeks now. Perhaps I will send the cockerel to freezer camp and put the pullet in with the younger BCM's. Thanks for the advice.
Finally I have a submission for this thread!

The post office must have pulled a real doozy on my poor eggs during shipping... only 3 seemed viable and 2 developed & hatched. These are my two precious babies.

Something about the one on the right screams cockerel, don't you think?
Just for fun, I know it is impossible to tell. I can't put my finger on why exactly, if it is that 'he' has the most prominent comb out of the 16 (of different breeds) I just hatched, or his stance. What do you think?

Yeah, at least it looks like you totally lucked out and got a pair! Look at how much bigger his toes are than the one on the right. That says cockerel to me too.

As of this morning, I have one rooster and one hen left, out of a flock of 40 black copper marans. Along with them, I also lost all my bantams and Langshans. We still haven't discovered what possibly could have gotten them or how it got in. Ironically, this was our most secure (we thought) pen, with wood fence, covered top, and hot-wire. The laying flock, who free-ranges during the day and sleeps behind kennel fencing at night, is intact. Go figure.

I don't know if I have the heart to start over with them. What I lost represents a full year of hatching and brooding, and all of my second generation of Marans, which was a big improvement over my original batch.

I'm just kind of numb and deflated right now.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss - I know you must be devastated.

When you are ready, I'd be happy to send you some chicks.
There are no words..
but know we are all here for you and will help you with anything you need
at whatever time that may be.
This just happened to my local
BYC friend, too. What an awful day.
Ninja -

My marans are quite laying yet; but I am more than happy to send you some free eggs when they start. They are black copper king; thom dean and several others from the marans of america club. They should be ready by this fall if you are willing to wait!

I just love your insights and comments - you are so helpful and kind.

Hugs for your losses!
Girl! I had no idea that this happened to you. I am so sorry! I have just lost over 1/2 my flock, but I have 6 nice dark BLACK COPPER eggs sitting here that I was JUST going to set...but would feel MUCH better if I sent them to you. Just let me know when and where. Again---I'm sorry and please know that we understand.

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