March 13th 2016 Hatch-A-long

First pips!!!!!!! There are 2 who have pipped -- the one in the picture has nearly completed an air hole since this photo. My kids are so giddy and hyper over it!

We have 3 pips right now! It is so exciting.
Im SO bummed. Just getting back into poultry after yrs of hiatus. My early bday present is a styro 41 egg, turners, digital, etc..never had so much tech, lol. Only ever hatched in big redwood ones. So bday is 15th and today is day 21 on first hatch,, thought I might have first babies by bday. : ( so,, thought I did it all right, I have movement in eggs. Yes I broke down and candled one last night, really quick..anyway, no pips, squeaks, snap, crackle, or pops..nothing. as if that wasnt bad enough, I won maran eggs at an auction and they should be here tomorrow or next day. I guess I messed up n counted my incubator b4 my hatch,, lol..trying to figure out whats going on here..never had any trouble b4 but that was a long time ago, soooo, back to the drawing board,, will wait a few days, but I feel like a murderer!
Im SO bummed. Just getting back into poultry after yrs of hiatus. My early bday present is a styro 41 egg, turners, digital, etc..never had so much tech, lol. Only ever hatched in big redwood ones. So bday is 15th and today is day 21 on first hatch,, thought I might have first babies by bday. : ( so,, thought I did it all right, I have movement in eggs. Yes I broke down and candled one last night, really quick..anyway, no pips, squeaks, snap, crackle, or pops..nothing. as if that wasnt bad enough, I won maran eggs at an auction and they should be here tomorrow or next day. I guess I messed up n counted my incubator b4 my hatch,, lol..trying to figure out whats going on here..never had any trouble b4 but that was a long time ago, soooo, back to the drawing board,, will wait a few days, but I feel like a murderer!
Wait til 23 days.

The first two chicks are still in incubator -- not completely fluffy (I'm guessing humidity) -- but are hobbling and jumping all over the place which is causing some major shifts in the rest of the eggs. I watched them knock around two that have pipped and now those pips are facing the floor. Should I go ahead and take these two out -- even though not completely dry -- and put them in the brooder so that I can put the pipped eggs back "face up"? Worried about them not getting enough air.

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