March 2022 Hatch-A-Long

And my for my 2nd March hatch I set 89 eggs tonight. 5 are a "hail Mary" as they are from my big rooster who was taken. He had some issues with fertility. But I did discover one egg in my current hatch that is actually from him. So I decided to go ahead and set the last 5 eggs I had from the hens with him.
My first March hatch is going very well. I got lots of chicks hatched already. Can't count them all. I'll see by Wednesday morning how many hatched. :D
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The Polish hatch is done and the d’Uccles have started up! I have 3 that have pipped and one started to zip and may be hatched by the time I get home!

All 6 Tolbunts hatched and are adorable!! The Candy Corn eggs were a bummer but it’s all good. I did an egg autopsy on the one that was moving yesterday and it looked to have had some issues with some of the insides staying inside. :-( Poor baby.

This little one is just adorable 🥰


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Had 6 of 8 hatch on Saturday. One died on Sunday because it hadn’t absorbed the yolk.

Monday morning, we had a late hatcher but it died very quickly after hatching- not sure why.

Monday evening - 2 of the remaining 5 disappeared (most likely hawk) leaving us with 3 chicks out of 8 eggs.

The final egg was not fertile.
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And my for my 2nd March hatch I set 89 eggs tonight. 5 are a "hail Mary" as they are from my big rooster who was taken. He had some issues with fertility. But I did discover one egg in my current hatch that is actually from him. So I decided to go ahead and set the last 5 eggs I had from the hens with him.
My first March hatch is going very well. I got lots of chicks hatched already. Can't count them all. I'll see by Wednesday morning how many hatched. :D
Hope you get some chicks from your stolen boy.:hugs

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