March 2022 Hatch-A-Long

But I was worried about them getting dehydrated in the incubator heat -- not to mention the nasty poop building up in the bottom. One of them had been hatched for 18 hours already.

Oops, miscounted. The first-hatchling -- first by over 12 hours, had been in there for over 30 hours when I took them out.
OK, that was a good spot on the dried out membrane.

I started to dampen it and realized that it was dry as leather. So I took tweezers and peeled the dried membrane away. She started to kick vigorously, so I used tweezers to take little chips out of each edge of the zip where the membrane was dry until I hit soft membrane and she pushed her way out in about 30 seconds after that.
If you have spots of dried membrane you can use a thin layer of Vaseline or petroleum jelly. Then put it back. Usually hydrates the membrane enough that the duckling or chick can continue on.

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