March 2022 Hatch-A-Long

6 hatched, dried, and moved to brooder. Sideways air cell egg didn’t make it even with a safety hole, and one slow poke that is taking its sweet time 🥰
So final tally is 6/9 that went to lockdown. Not a great hatch rate from my own bird’s eggs. Started with 12, so only 50%.
3 early quitters. 3 DIS.
All looked great early on.
These came from mature hens eggs, normally I would expect to see these kind of numbers from pullet eggs or new layers.
I was surprised I had so many malpositioned. No huge vaults in this batch.
Only thing different that I can think of is location of the incubator. Perhaps the ambient temp/humidity fluctuations contributed?
Next set due in 5 days. We’ll see how that goes.🤞😅
Slowpoke has issues. :( She's got a splayed leg and, possibly, curled toes.

I got her into a hobble before I put her into the brooder with the others this morning and will consider the chick shoes when I get home from work if just getting her leg underneath her doesn't put everything right.

The 8th egg shows no sign of pipping. I left it in the incubator and will deal with it tomorrow since I'm off.
I have 10 eggs set in my incubator! 9 are at day 6 today and then 1 is at day 1. One of our green queens (named Cricket) had been acting strangely (at first just slower and was limping, then her limp got better, then she started having trouble breathing, and then she sadly passed yesterday.) and a couple of hours before she died, she laid an egg. So I stuck her little egg inside of our incubator (is it to big of a difference from the older eggs?). I candled yesterday and see strong development in all but 1 (who looks to be clear, but we'll see. It would make sense if it weren't fertilized because its from one of our older girls and they don't really tolerate roosters). Our Cream Legbar (named Agnus) was also killed by a hawk so I'm hoping that at least one of the eggs is hers. I'll try to get some candling pictures tonight if I can!

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