March 2022 Hatch-A-Long

If I suspect a power outage is imminent (stormy weather, for example) I fill hot water bottles (those old fashioned red ones) and wrap them in towels to have on the ready if needed for incubators or brooding chicks. If you have a neighbor or friend nearby that has not been affected by the outage, make an arrangement that you may need to bring the eggs over to them.😊
Thank you for that advice! I didn't think about the hot water bottles! We a have propane stove and the top burners still turn on even if there is an outage so I will do that next time!
We got another pip! They are cheeping to each other IMG_20220324_134137349-01.jpeg

Sleepy baby
We got another pip! They are cheeping to each other View attachment 3036137

Sleepy baby
View attachment 3036136
I think that the blue one is still absorbing the yolk because it's making chewing motions. We also got another pip! The dark brown egg I think that the blue one is still absorbing the yolk because it's making chewing motions. We also got another pip! The dark brown egg is from our Blue Birchen Marans, River! IMG_20220324_164733776-01.jpeg
Aww! My Cochin Bantam eggs go on lockdown tonight and my shipped eggs should come in Saturday.
Im having broody problems though. She will not sit on hay and I need her to sit on hay. This morning when I went out to unlock their coop she was pacing and the "eggs" were scattered. She is still chirping and purring and making broody sounds.
I’ll be candeling my Ancona duck eggs. It was a horrible hatch already with only 4 eggs fertilized out of 20 eggs. My ducks were starting to go into moult when I put these in so I’m assuming that was the slow down in mating.

The eggs are on day 22 & my last hatch was early.
The brown eggs pip is bloody for whatever reason :(
It's still cheeping, moving, and pecking at the egg so maybe it hit a vein? I went out to do farm chores, came back, and it was like this. Thoughts? (Sorry, the pics aren't the best, my phone wouldn't focus). Btw, no blood is leaking out, just a bit bloody around the pip hole.View attachment 3036452View attachment 3036453
This is not an uncommon finding. Has the little one progressed since you posted last?😊

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