MARCH Hatch-A-Long 2015: Please Read the First Post to JOIN the H-A-L

How many eggs have you set???

  • 1-5

    Votes: 11 9.6%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 10 8.8%
  • 21-25

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 26-30

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 17 14.9%
  • 51+

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
Six BA chicks hatched yesterday out of 8 eggs set. They are the same size as the 1 week old leghorns.
I have 8 duck eggs on day 26. I am super excited about those because I've never hatched ducks before.

Last week the power company shut my power off for several hours. Incubators got down to upper 80 's. Some of the eggs were only a few days old. They all did fine.
Six BA chicks hatched yesterday out of 8 eggs set. They are the same size as the 1 week old leghorns.
I have 8 duck eggs on day 26. I am super excited about those because I've never hatched ducks before.

Last week the power company shut my power off for several hours. Incubators got down to upper 80 's. Some of the eggs were only a few days old. They all did fine.
So 5/8 of my Jaerhon eggs have hatched and are already mixing it up in the brooder with the older chicks. It's day 22, should I go ahead with my eggtopsies or give more time? There's no action from them at all.

On a plus my little flock has 5 pullets and 5 cockerels to add to the original trio. With 10 more in a bator. And even with the eggs that don't hatch I hope to learn things! Beginners luck was bound to move on eventually!
So 5/8 of my Jaerhon eggs have hatched and are already mixing it up in the brooder with the older chicks. It's day 22, should I go ahead with my eggtopsies or give more time? There's no action from them at all.

On a plus my little flock has 5 pullets and 5 cockerels to add to the original trio. With 10 more in a bator. And even with the eggs that don't hatch I hope to learn things! Beginners luck was bound to move on eventually!
Six BA chicks hatched yesterday out of 8 eggs set. They are the same size as the 1 week old leghorns.
I have 8 duck eggs on day 26. I am super excited about those because I've never hatched ducks before.

Last week the power company shut my power off for several hours. Incubators got down to upper 80 's. Some of the eggs were only a few days old. They all did fine.
Here are the puff balls! Like little colored cotton balls with legs, and a head, so not much like cotton I guess but so CUTE!

Though it's really hard to get decent pictures of chicks! Or chickens. They're way cuter in person.
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I put in a digital thermometer to my incubator last night and it said 109F. The one that was already in there for 1 and a half weeks now is still saying 99.5F. I lowered the temperature to 100 on the digital, but now I don't know which one to trust! ='( I hope I haven't been cooking my eggs this whole time!
Lockdown day! 45 eggs in total in two incubators. One has 24 barnyard mix eggs and I am conducting a personal experiment with them. I have 12 of them upright in a cut down egg carton and 12 on their sides in a more traditional manner. I have always kept them upright in the past but am curious if either set of eggs will show more difficulty hatching.

The other incubator has 20 eggs, all upright. 6 English Orpington (3 black/blue splash, 2 white, and 1 buff), 2 heritage Barred Plymouth Rock, 7 Speckled Sussex, 4 Easter Eggers, and 1 barnyard mix to keep the other incubator with even groups.

All eggs showed proper development and movement, so I have high hopes. Will give progress reports as applicable. Wish me luck!
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