MARCH Hatch-A-Long 2015: Please Read the First Post to JOIN the H-A-L

How many eggs have you set???

  • 1-5

    Votes: 11 9.6%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 10 8.8%
  • 21-25

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 26-30

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 17 14.9%
  • 51+

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
Hi there!

I'd love to join you all. This will be my first time hatching eggs. I am mostly excited, but a little bit nervous too. I have an IncuView incubator. My eggs came in the mail today, Cream Legbars and Ameraucanas, a dozen in all.

I candled them and there do not seem to be any detached air cells. They're currently in my basement, and I plan to put them in the incubator in the morning.
Hello! This is my 1st time hatching eggs, too, and I'm super nervous! I've been afraid to candle any to check, but I'll need to chuck out any non-developing eggs when my shipped eggs show up (hopefully today).

Best of luck this month!
I do a pretty good job resisting the temptation, but for some reason the incubator mysteriously opens every once in a while.

Yes, some eggs are really tough to candle! Especially dark brown or green eggs.

The incubator temperature is holding stable, but it was down to 97F yesterday morning. It was a bit chilly this morning, so I made sure I wrapped the incubator up in some extra blankets. I discovered a few days ago that there are mice in the same room as my incubator. I set up some sticky traps and caught three mice last night.
Yuck! I HATE mice! I am designing an outbuilding that will be sealable--if there is such a ting-- to keep the pallet of feed I need to purchase at one time. MUST STOP RODENTS!

My eggs are FINALLY doing something! I have 1 that's almost all the way zipped around and another with a nice big pip

YAY! Keep us posted...
I came home to a pip today.......!!!! My friend who I got the eggs from called it " 24hrs into lock down white crested polish would pip.." and sure enough... an egg from her crested polish coop is my first pip. Literally noticed it at 24 hours
I had crested polish once before. They were lovely but super skiddish...
Candled my 7 shipped eggs tonight (they are at day 6). There are 2 that are dark brown so can't really tell what is happening in there, but the rest showed spider veins!! I hope they keep growing. Go babies, go!
My eggs are going into lockdown this Sunday, day after tomorrow. I hope I get a good hatch.
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16 pips. Currently there is a race between a barnyard mix on its side which is about 1/2 zipped and a Speckled Sussex upright which is about 2/3 there. Hopefully they will finish soon so I can determine the winner.

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