MARCH Hatch-A-Long 2015: Please Read the First Post to JOIN the H-A-L

How many eggs have you set???

  • 1-5

    Votes: 11 9.6%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 10 8.8%
  • 21-25

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 26-30

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 17 14.9%
  • 51+

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
After the temperature spike lost all but three. A barnyard mix, a lemon cuckoo orpington, and a gorgeous little EE/Aracauna mix. Shes tailess with cute fluffy cheeks. Her leg color is yellow like her daddy to. I cant wait since I have 20 of these eggs going in for the easter hatchalong.
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Got a chick got a chick !!!!! Little creole polish.... possible frizzle. Excited! Another pip ( I can see ) on a white silkie.... 26 more to go..o.0
OOh, aweosme!!
\What bator you using?? The JN-48??

Cute!! Congrats on 100% hatch rate!
Thanks!! I lvoe my broodies, I usually get 100% hatch rates with them!!!
7 baby Isbar chicks! Still have 9 eggs waiting to hatch..hopefully they will hatch today! Question though, I 'm a little worried about a couple of them. They don't seem to want to open their eyes. I cannot see any gunk on their eyelids or anything so what could be wrong with them?

Day 7: The incubator was down to 97F this morning. I probably should have put the blankets on it last night. I wrapped it up good this morning and hopefully the temperature will stabilize.

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