MARCH Hatch-A-Long 2015: Please Read the First Post to JOIN the H-A-L

How many eggs have you set???

  • 1-5

    Votes: 11 9.6%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 10 8.8%
  • 21-25

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 26-30

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 17 14.9%
  • 51+

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
no offense! i know, that 'guy' claims some stupid crap-showing a blood ring as an example. the papers are there though but the data takes some reading through to parse, different ones choose different species (avian of course) and different time periods to apply and even reapply. there are a few more things you can do to improve egg hatching (even pointy end up if they are to be stored longer than 5 days) and a few topicals are statistically shown to work (maternal diet and age will apply BEFORE laying). i have even looked into that perwarming technique and it seems to have merit if you want to long term store them. but they have to be done right. the ascorbic acid works but they dont know how and i wonder even if it is not taken internally but just works as an added anti bacterial.i decided to try it though.
I'm happy there is no offense
I would truly love to hear your results!
And the race-to-hatch has begun for the second round of chicks. One of the Cauna-dottes pipped a few minutes ago. (SLW & 'cauna cross... gunna be my nickname for the crossed birds haha) Even if it's the only one that makes it out I'm just happy that the spike in temps didn't knock out the whole batch this time.
I would truly love to hear your results!
of my 10 eggs incubated after prespray of ascorbic acid, 9 went to lock down, 4 needed help hatching -including one 'sticky chick' and another is iffy and may not make it. now to be fair I have 2 advantages that could nullify the results. 1- these are my eggs from my flock, 2. I am good at monitoring hatch and (if i am home) i can usually tell when to do an assist (even w/o a pip) and have a good technique that yields high results.

here is a photo showing the two kinds of white i am getting from my colour mixing-one is splash and that seems to have a different white in its genetics. sorry it is cell phone in incandescent lighting but cant find good camera. if you cant tell the splash is the one on the left with the dark spot in the middle of the back.
Final tally is in. 30 perfect healthy chicks out of 33 hatched. Most on day 22/23. I did assist several but no leg or feet problems at all. Man, I needed that big-time after my horrible shipped egg experiences. These were all my own flocks eggs. Out of the 3 that died 2 were probably day 19/20, and 1 pipped but was to weak.

I am determined to do well with shipped eggs so I will keep trying. Maybe my crappie still air Little Giant is not good enough to handle sensitive eggs. Right now I have 2.5 dozen Saxony duck eggs plus 6 mystery duck eggs in there. The 6 were from a market and were washed, then sat in my fridge for almost 3 weeks. I scrambled 6 for my dogs to eat because they were old so we didn't want to eat them. Just for fun since I was setting the saxony eggs I threw them in the bator. They are all developing. I guess I better join the April HAL!
WOW! I love all the success stories!!!!! Keep posting , please.

SO I candeled on day 10.
15 are movin and shakin' with great veins out of 42.
2 blood rings
20 clears!!!!
2 quitters
3 that are iffy.

I am staying positive about it all! Excited that there are a handful of each breed going strong.

My bator chicks will hatch 2 days before my hen hatch. I was going to put my bator chicks in with my hen (with a supplemental light). Would you think this would work? They have their own house and yard.
It's day 20 and we're up to 6 pippers so far. They are softly "chirping" away in their shells. I set the webcam up to cover the hatch again but it's kinda like watching paint dry. This batch is taking their sweet time in getting out of those eggs.
Day 20

12 went into lockdown (out of 28, the other candled clear :( )

About an hour after waking up I had three pips. Since then, two chickies have hatched, and four now have pips.

Thus is the first time I've ever hatched my own chicks, and I am astounded by it. It was just magical! And what is really freaking me out (in a good way) is that the APPEAR to be following me. Like, I'll turn the incubator to get a good look at an egg in the back, and the two new chickies hurry back over and stare at me. They follow me so they can see me. Has anyone ever experienced this?!?!

Anyways, pretty good for a day early surprise! Here's to hoping for all 12!!!!
Day 20

12 went into lockdown (out of 28, the other candled clear :( )

About an hour after waking up I had three pips. Since then, two chickies have hatched, and four now have pips.

Thus is the first time I've ever hatched my own chicks, and I am astounded by it. It was just magical! And what is really freaking me out (in a good way) is that the APPEAR to be following me. Like, I'll turn the incubator to get a good look at an egg in the back, and the two new chickies hurry back over and stare at me. They follow me so they can see me. Has anyone ever experienced this?!?!

Anyways, pretty good for a day early surprise! Here's to hoping for all 12!!!!

Awesome. Sounds like things are going well. My chicks follow me too. They especially like the flashlight, which is really annoying when you are trying to look at a specific egg and they all come barreling over to see you and knock the egg over so you can't see it anymore.
And what is really freaking me out (in a good way) is that the APPEAR to be following me. Like, I'll turn the incubator to get a good look at an egg in the back, and the two new chickies hurry back over and stare at me. They follow me so they can see me. Has anyone ever experienced this?!?!
yes they want a cuddle. if you put your hand in flat they will try to climb under it. they feel good to be securely held and having their heads covered/in the dark. when they go to momma they crawl under and lean up into her warmth, sometimes on their toes. they may not know what you are but nearly all animals with eyes recognize what eyes are and instinctively respond to them (think of eye spots on caterpillars-how they work too!), i am sure if you tried a puppet you would get the same results.

enjoy it while it lasts, in a few days (once they are more independent) unless you cultivate that relationship they will soon just peck at you when they want food and wont come for cuddles.

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