MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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I would like to join also! I have 30 eggs in the incubator that should start hatching March 5. They are all kinds of crosses with possibly some non-crossed Mille Fluers also. I'm hatching them for someone that wants to buy them from me, so wish me luck! I candled some last night and saw the veining in quite a few! If I see a dark area, but no veining does that mean it's not developing anymore?

Count me in! I'm on day 4 for 21 mixed eggs that were shipped - since I was dying to get my incubator up and running. Then I found out that my rooster has been partying in the coop with my girls. I set MY FIRST EGG last night! Woo hoo!
I will be joining in about 6 days. Collecting eggs now for my Cochin who just went broody a couple of days ago

She will be hatching out bantam frizzle cochins for me
Finally candled my eggs out of 21 four of them clear and 2 or 3 questionable ones not bad for eggs that were between 2 to 3 weeks old when put them in the incubator.
You are most welcome, D'angelo. That's what we're all here learn from each other and share our love of raising chickens!

On another eggs are doing fine....temps are stable, can't wait to candle tomorrow, as it'll be day 10! *rubbing hands together*

waiting in antici....(say it! say it!)......PATION!
I just put 30 eggs ameracauna in the hovabator and hoping for a good hatch especially since they are local and never seen the likes of the cruel post office. My dh picked them up and you would have thought they were made of precious gems the way he cradled them walking into the house. They are due march 14th at 6pm
I am so in!

I just set 34 EE's (fertilized by a roo that throws blue) and 6 BCM's from another board member who has lovely birds--due 3/13.

A dozen of the EE eggs came from the fridge due to a mishap so it will be interesting to see how those guys fare out LOL

Cant wait to see how many beautiful baby chickies I get!!
I think I am going to join. I am not sure though. I joined the February hatch a long and only had one completely hatch them it got into the water container and drowned and of the other 26 I think they are all dead yesterday was day 21 and there is no sound nor movement at all. I think the power outage and following humidity spike killed them all. going to give it another day or 2 to see if anything happens. If I can get some more eggs I think I'll join.
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