MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Ok. from what I am reading it could take up to let's say 3 days for them all to hatch?????? I got my first 2 yesterday, 2 early this morning and 1 a few hours later, but I see 2 pipping. So this is correct I think right????? Please say YES!!!
So one of my babies born this morning has a leg that's not working's twisting backwards when he tries to walk
. Any ideas? I'll try to get pictures on later.
I have only 7 days til my 21 babies hatch! I am so excited! This is definitely not my first hatch, but right now I am chickenless since 18months ago my chicks were devoured by a neighbors dog. I'm going to get my brooder cleaned and ready for the new babies.

I have one of those wooden chicken brooders. It's fairly clean but been sitting in the garage for 2 years and I plan on disinfecting it.
So sorry about the chick. Would it help to bandaid it maybe like a splint to help?

He's actually starting to stand on it more normally now! Maybe it was just stuck in a weird position from being in the shell? Hopefully it just keeps getting better
Update: 19 Hatched 4 eggs doing nothing yet to go!

there is 17 in the Brooder in the First Pic.

Now there is 18 in the brooder



# 19 is in the incubator drying as it had to have a bath to remove stuck on shell pieces.
So once it fluffs we will get it moved to the brooder.

Results of this clutch are:

27 eggs set 2/14/2010
2 infertile on Day 10 (removed day 14)
2 early quitters removed Day 18
19 hatched on the 5th (due the 7th)

4 eggs left in the incubator (doing nothing yet).
we will give them another 2 days, to do something before we remove them.

Fertility 92.59%
Hatchability 70.37%

this is one Rooster over 33 hens.

hatch rates are improving (with my experience level)
Set # 1 0 chicks/6 eggs
Set #2 4 chicks/9 eggs
Set #3 4 chicks/7 eggs
Set #4 19chicks/27 eggs

I will update this as I find out about the other 4 eggs in the incubator.
OMG, how do you all do it? I have been in the house today about 15 times checking on them...another one has hatched, so I am up to 6. I work part time for a winery and I did not go in today because I knew I had lots to do outside cleaning out the brooder and all. I wish I had of now so I would not be such a nervous wreck...I truly am an excited dad!!

Good Luck to Everyone!!
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