March Hatch-Along Thread- Come Hatch With Us!!!!!

I woke up to a pip this morning! But, this pip looks a little funny compared to the ones I've seen - is it okay?
I think 70% would be my max humidity
I had a lot of chicks that were waterlogged
And didn't even pip but mine ended up getting 75-80% and I had ran a dry bator till lockdown
But don't give up on those chicks they could just be running a bit late .... If mine were at 21d and no pips I would candle a couple to see if I could see anything going on..... But that's just me and I have only hatched out one batch .
I woke up to a pip this morning! But, this pip looks a little funny compared to the ones I've seen - is it okay?

Looks good to me!! Love it!

Keep up with the pictures... Lots of them... At all stages... !! :) Yes, this is a purely selfish request. I mean really, I can't check your bator for you every couple of minutes... I'll need pictures. LOL. I want to watch too!! My eggs aren't due to hatch for a week & 1/2 yet. There are only so many muffins this momma hen can bake in the meantime.
Looks good to me!!  Love it!

Keep up with the pictures... Lots of them...  At all stages... !!  :)  Yes, this is a purely selfish request.  I mean really, I can't check your bator for you every couple of minutes... I'll need pictures.  LOL.  I want to watch too!!  My eggs aren't due to hatch for a week & 1/2 yet.  There are only so many muffins this momma hen can bake in the meantime.

I'll be sure to post lots of pictures during, after, and after they hatch! ;)
came home to this last night! it was chirping so loud that when i lifted my hen off the eggs, i was expecting to see an already hatched chick!!

I need some advice please. I am doing a staggered hatch. I purchased some CCL eggs that were laid on Thur, shipped on Fri, received Mon and have been resting. I was planning on adding them to my Brinsea (which has eggs at Day 15 and will be moved to a hatcher at lockdown) but 6/8 have detached air cells so they can't be turned. Should I move my eggs that went into lockdown yesterday to underneath a broody and then put the CCL eggs in my incubator I use for hatching (no turner) today, or can the CCL eggs wait a couple more days until my hatch is finished and then get started? They are going to be a week old tomorrow but being shipped with detached air cells I am wondering if they shouldn't get in the incubator asap (no turning of course)? I hate to move ones in lockdown and my kids were so excited to watch the hatch, but I also don't want to risk expensive eggs either. Ugh...decisions...
If your eggs are on day 15 you could always turn off that turner & add the eggs w/ detached air cells. I have found quite a few people that stop turning their eggs a few days before lockdown. I am now one of those people after I had 5 eggs in one batch die @ the end because they were in the wrong position & couldn't do anything to get out. So my set up is 3 bators, two store bought that- one incubates- one is the lockdown & I have a homemade one that is used for the few extra days where I don't turn the eggs before lockdown.
Well, I just couldn't help myself! Still stressing here on day 20 with nothing happening. The humidity dropped to 60% and I worried, so I opened the bator and quickly placed a wet warm cloth in there too. The temp went down for about a minute then was back up to where it should be. The humidity dropped to 55%, but about 3 minutes later it was back at 60%, another 5 or so minutes it was reading 65%. It's now sitting on 67%.

As the temp. returned to normal in a short space of time, and the humidity shot up very quickly, I don't think I've harmed my chicks have I? Words of wisdom please.

I can't see any external pips, there's no movement, no cheeping. Didn't want to have the bator open any longer than absolutely necessary so I didn't candle to look for internal pips.

Promise I'll sit on my hands now.....
I've had my humidity spike into the upper 70s w/ out issue. If it climbs like that again if you open & close quick so you can lower it just a bit if you want. Be patient though, those lil ones may just be stubborn! I feel the same way sometimes, as I have chilled out chicks, no one wants to rumble the egg & all but one took their sweeet ***** time pipping & zipping!!
Ok.....the humidity has just shot up to 69%. Is this too much now?
Day 21 started 1 hour ago. Still nothing. No pips that i can see. Now my mind is going into overdrive and I'm worrying they might be pipping on the bottom of the eggs where I can't see!

Should I try to remove some water to lower the humidity?

Please, someone save me from insanity!
69 being to high will depend on who you ask. Many people have their own temps & humidity levels they stick too. This time around, since I have been & still am doing staggered hatches, I am keeping my humidity more towards 70 since after a few hatch & start running I remove them to their brooders. Again try not to worry too much, if need be carefully move your bator to your bathroom & take a nice relaxing shower, when your out take some eggs out & candle - the humidity in the bathroom should keep you bator from dropping too low & you will be able to rest your mind by check out those eggs!
If your eggs are on day 15 you could always turn off that turner & add the eggs w/ detached air cells. I have found quite a few people that stop turning their eggs a few days before lockdown. I am now one of those people after I had 5 eggs in one batch die @ the end because they were in the wrong position & couldn't do anything to get out. So my set up is 3 bators, two store bought that- one incubates- one is the lockdown & I have a homemade one that is used for the few extra days where I don't turn the eggs before lockdown.
Thanks a bunch! :)

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