

Mar 25, 2020
I have a one year old partridge Brahma hen that I bought in the late summer last year (1 of 4 from the same place in GA) and all has been well. We recently added two healthy geese (9 months old a month and a half ago). We have 11 chickens in a huge coop and run, as well as the two geese - they were raised with chickens so they are good with them.
They eat a 20% all flock, plus the Mazuri waterfowl pellet. For two weeks we have been supporting, medicating, and hydrating this hen. She started to not come out of the coop, looked as if molting. Our rooster has been extra and even though he has 10 hens he’s wearing these 10 out. She’d eat hand fed. At this point she’s not eating at all, she’s not drinking, has lost half of her body weight, is having to be syringe fed and watered and now is fighting that even. She’s weak and uncoordinated, when I put her in the yard she stumbles and doesn’t seem to be able to stretch her neck out properly. She lays down most of the time. She’s not broody or egg bound, eyes look good, comb color is good. We’ve treated her with ivermectin for worms, we’ve given her a completed course of Tylan 50, she’s been given nutri drench, electrolytes, honey water at times, scrambled eggs, nutritional yeast. I’m sure a lot I haven’t remembered. We are going into the third week and there’s been zero improvement. She hasn’t starved because we’ve been syringe feeding her. We are planning on culling her. She’s been separated from her flock for her safety. Does this sound like Marek’s? She’s a submissive chicken - probably the lowest on the pecking order.
Yes, it could be. She's the right age for it, and it can be ruthlessly progressive as these symptoms appear to be.

I have been treating two pullets of mine that have similar symptoms. I have no idea what the disorder is, it could be Marek's, but one has become symptom free and the other one is recovering very well, though it's been many months of touch and go.

Did your hen ever lay? If so, how soon did the symptoms start after she began to lay? One observation I've made is that my pullets' symptoms were exacerbated right after they started laying. I gave calcium citrate for a few days and it seemed to improve the symptoms.

Another thing that has seemed to improve the symptoms has been St John's Wort and acyclovir, an antiviral med used for shingles and lip sores.

I've been giving vitamin E and B-complex as well.

If you do choose to cull, a necropsy at an ag lab would confirm if it's Marek's. Then you would know what you're dealing with.
Yes, it could be. She's the right age for it, and it can be ruthlessly progressive as these symptoms appear to be.

I have been treating two pullets of mine that have similar symptoms. I have no idea what the disorder is, it could be Marek's, but one has become symptom free and the other one is recovering very well, though it's been many months of touch and go.

Did your hen ever lay? If so, how soon did the symptoms start after she began to lay? One observation I've made is that my pullets' symptoms were exacerbated right after they started laying. I gave calcium citrate for a few days and it seemed to improve the symptoms.

Another thing that has seemed to improve the symptoms has been St John's Wort and acyclovir, an antiviral med used for shingles and lip sores.

I've been giving vitamin E and B-complex as well.

If you do choose to cull, a necropsy at an ag lab would confirm if it's Marek's. Then you would know what you're dealing with.
i think i’m dealing with the same thing, but it’s just starting, she’s unbalanced and can’t seem to walk without stumbling. if you had to deal with it again, what’s the first thing you’d do?
I am dealing with it again. My two hens have relapsed. I'm treating with an antibiotic, B-complex, vitamin E and since they're both laying, calcium.
we’re keeping her on sav a chick, gonna pick up some vitamins in the morning plus a tums for stomach issues. doesn’t really appear to be mareks, feel like there’d be more symptoms. if this doesn’t work, might try vet
It can be hard to diagnose a chicken with lameness and not eating well, and symptoms you have described. You are doing all of the things I would do which includes vitamins E and B1 thiamine. If you should lose her one day, your state vet can usually do a necropsy and testing to look for Mareks or another cause. Infections or a back injury could be possible. Here is a link for most state vets to contact for a necdopsy:
Hi all and I wanted to add to this thread. My girl started to have lameness in her left leg in January of 2021. It lasted a few weeks then went away. It came back in March and went away again it has now been back for a week. She favors her leg still and seems to have lost strength which makes her look off balance and she lays down a lot!

She still has an appetite and eats and drinks very well. She doesnt cant move very well.
She was not vaccinated for Marek’s, and is about 1 yr plus old. My other girls have no symtpoms. One person told me to deworm my flock which I’ve never done, but I will get the meds/vitamins needed tomorrow if you can tell me where I need to go to get them.

Sorry to steal the thread but maybe it can help everyone looking for help. THANKS
Hi all and I wanted to add to this thread. My girl started to have lameness in her left leg in January of 2021. It lasted a few weeks then went away. It came back in March and went away again it has now been back for a week. She favors her leg still and seems to have lost strength which makes her look off balance and she lays down a lot!

She still has an appetite and eats and drinks very well. She doesnt cant move very well.
She was not vaccinated for Marek’s, and is about 1 yr plus old. My other girls have no symtpoms. One person told me to deworm my flock which I’ve never done, but I will get the meds/vitamins needed tomorrow if you can tell me where I need to go to get them.

Sorry to steal the thread but maybe it can help everyone looking for help. THANKS
thanks for the information, i also wanted to add to this that said chicken passed. we believed it was a combination of a serious egg reproduction issue and slow crop caused by a large infestation of codicocis. so probably also think about that.
Sorry about your lost chickens. Very sad! But all diseases are not Marek, because this disease is very progressive. Sometimes I read this forum and all the problems are Marek. You also have this strange issue give antibiotics for every little thing. Sorry, didn´t want to offend. If there is Marek, everyone gets sick and I doubt if the chicken will live for 2 weeks at all. I had a rooster 2 years ago who one day lay down and his legs were no longer working. Suddenly his outer toes were crooked. We euthanized him and sent him for an autopsy. I also suspected Marek, but no- result genetic problem. He was cochin rooster and after that I don't like breeds whose legs I can't see. My concern was huge and I read in several languages about Marek. Marek can be no visible, but unfortunately it is not possible that the whole flock is like immune. My recommendation and experience is- more attention to chickens who are pecked. In 3 months I have lost 2 chickens because I didn't have time. I usually feed the last ones myself. We are at risk for bird flu and the chickens are all inside all spring. Both of my chickens died because they didn't dare come to the floor to eat. They hurriedly grabbed the wheat and did not eat the little stones. Both chickens were stressed, did not lay well and had diarrhea. After lethargy they lived only two days. This was one example, but long-term stress is deadly to any birds. Sorry my english.

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