Marek's and nervous tick


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
We have confirmed mareks in our flock. We had a necropsy done on our one bird that recently had to be put down. I have one other girl that seems to have a nervous tick. She has always " barked", like a small dog, and now she is doing it every few minutes or so, is this a sign of mareks that anyone has heard of? I wanted to post this for myself as well as for anyone else who may go thru this at some point to have a reference. The girl,we put down, had recognizable symptoms, but this, I'm not sure. Anyone?
Hello! I have not seen this in a Marek's chicken (meaning as a result of Marek's virus) but I am not saying it's impossible. Is there any way for you to take a video to share it with us?
I'll try to get a video today. She doesn't seem to be doing it as much this morning.
Here is a video of her barking. Also her waddles are turning a purple color and she seems to have spasms with her crop/throat, and is panting. This is not at all what my other pullet exhibited so I thought this would be helpful to others dealing with Mareks and different symptoms of it. I'm sure others on here have seen the crop/throat spasms but this in new for me. I will be checking her droppings today and I'll post pictures of it. She has lost weight and isn't eating. This mareks thing is devastating.
Sorry the video isn't uploading. Here are a couple pictures.


Okay here's my shot at the video download. She isn't doing this as much as yesterday, probably about every 5 to 10 min. she isn't doing well at all, does anyone have any ideas of anything I can do for her? I know it isn't curable.
It didn't sound abnormal, it sounded like a Bok without another Bok.
2 of the most classic symptoms as you know are paralysis and wasting.
But I feel that the virus can attack just about any tissue in the body, and have had 2 that just make a gasp every few seconds. What does her poo look like?
My concern wasn't so much how it sounded but that it is so repetitious, even during the night . Her poops aren't as green as my other pullets were but they do have similar chunks. I gave her some scrambled eggs earlier but she only pecked at them a couple times. Her crop is empty and she is very thin.
I don't know your birds, but if I saw this in mine, it is a cough that they do when they get a bit of food stuck.
That combined with the serpentine neck movements makes me feel that she is trying to adjust her crop and/or has something bothering her in her throat or neck.

How is her crop? How is she eating? Does her crop empty properly, and does she have any issues with eating at all? Make sure it's not a "simple" impaction or sour crop, just in case. At least that is something you can treat.
Make her reach down to the floor for some food (use a treat that she likes very much if necessary). Does she react at all strangely? Does she act woozy?

One of the first organs to get affected with viceral lymphomatic Marek's is the thymus, which is right at the clavicle ... very near the crop. I have experienced birds getting tumors here first, and within days the tumors on the heart were causing his comb to turn deep purple (then blue when he was near death). The lymphomas were very aggressive and rapid.
Marek's really does not follow any rules though, so it might be much slower in your hen.

Or, this might not be tumors at all! It is just a guess on my part!

She looks so sweet. I really hope she gets better. Keep her hydrated and do a very through crop check, would be my best advice at this time.

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