Marek's recovery or something else?


5 Years
May 3, 2018
I know everything says that Marek's is lethal, but I've read some stuff that say they can beat it. I have an Easter Egger who had every single symptom of Mareks back in August. Splayed legs, gasping for air, limp wings, swollen crop, green poop. You name it, she had it. I did the whole St John's Wort and colloidal silver deal and would massage her crop daily to help with digestion (which I think was my fault for not mixing grit into her food while she was sick). She made a full recovery. Eventually started walking again and was even able to jump up onto things. About a month after recovering she went down hill again. Only this time the only symptom she has is that she can't walk/hold her weight. She kicks her legs, flaps her wings, eats, drinks and poops great. Other than being skin and bones as this point she seems to be doing really well.

So here is my question: Has anyone else experienced something such as Marek's or a Marek's like disease that the chicken has recovered from? What the heck is going with my girl?

(P.S.I have her in a wheelchair I made for her that she sits in during the day with food,water and a poop shoot)
If she's 'skin and bones' she's not doing well at all!
She's sick, and it's sad for her. You've certainly made a great effort in nursing care, and she needs to continue to improve if she can. Has she seen an avian veterinarian? Is that possible?
If she can't recover, consider what's best for her, and getting a diagnosis for the sake of your flock.
If she's 'skin and bones' she's not doing well at all!
She's sick, and it's sad for her. You've certainly made a great effort in nursing care, and she needs to continue to improve if she can. Has she seen an avian veterinarian? Is that possible?
If she can't recover, consider what's best for her, and getting a diagnosis for the sake of your flock.

Well no of course she isn't doing WELL, and I am trying to get her to put weight back on, but she doesn't seem to be in any pain and doesn't act depressed. So what I guess I meant to say is that she's doing better each day. Her eyes are clear, no discharge from anywhere and no excessive sleepiness. I can't see putting her down just based off of it taking time for her to gain weight if she's showing progress. Albeit slow.

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