Marek's survival???Pic added while sick

Sort of- the vaccine is a similar virus to Marek's (turkey source), and causes immunity to the Marek's virus if/when they are exposed. No vaccines are 100%, so early exposure to the actual virus can overwhelm the immune system even if they have been vaccinated. A vaccinated and immune bird can get still get exposed to the Marek's virus, but do not become ill (with tumors, nerve infiltration, occular, ect)- they are probably transiently viremic. A vaccinated bird that gets exposed to the actual virus should not become a carrier, but the environment is the danger. Running turkeys with the chickens can also naturally expose the chickens to the benign & protective turkey herpes virus. But the turkeys run the risk of getting blackhead
if one has that on the farm...

If you bring in or hatch chicks- vaccinate them or have them vaccinated prior. Rear them as far away from the adult chickens (and sick chicken isolation) until they are a couple of months old if possible. 2 week minimum for the vaccine to do anything at all. 2 months is better. 5-6 months is ideal for a heavily contaminated farm- as by that time they have age related immunity as well.

Update well It can't be Mareks as I have gone through 4 more birds with these symptoms and everyone even the youngest 3 week old survived it, with no signs of a limp or anyhing about week later they are up and running again. Vet believes it could be spoiled food.
OP, thanks for the update. So glad to know your birds are recovering!

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My 2 and a half month old silkie has no feeling or movement in left leg.
Other than that, he's Perfectly fine.
Vet says mareks, but I think we are holding on to false hopes that it's just an injury.
Any advice? :(
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I also have a rooster who lost use of his legs. At first he stumbled around a little bit but was still walking and it has just continuously gotten worse. He is somewhere between three and four years old. He was vaccinated for Marek's as a chick. He has had these symptoms now for over 6 weeks. My vet didn't seem to know for sure what it was. I had read that once a chicken starts to show symptoms of Marek's that they only live about three to four weeks. So I'm not sure what to think as he's still hanging in there and eating and drinking. I don't know whether to put him out of his misery or not.
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I have two silkies that are sick. They are weak and floppy. One can't stand he just flops over. I put them on selinium, b12, vitamin e, and low dose of aspirin and electrolyes. That's what the person I bought them from told me to do. We'll see if it works. Sure hope so Cuz I like my little furballs.
Well then I am not sure what happened to my cochin so far I have been told Mareks or moldy food. Her symtoms were stumbling like she was drinking a sagging wing and when she fell she could not get up on her own. I put her on vit b12 crushed in food, tetracyclene and poly vi sol. Two weeks later she is up and running around like nothing happend to her? I am very stumped and afraid to put her in with my birds again. Any idea what could have caused this. No other birds have been sick but two had lice that I treated.
YES YOU DID THE RIGHT THING...!!! and saved your bird, but what was wrong with her that still remains a mystery...??? i would keep her away from your other birds just for a wile to be safe .
I also have a rooster who lost use of his legs. At first he stumbled around a little bit but was still walking and it has just continuously gotten worse. He is somewhere between three and four years old. He was vaccinated for Marek's as a chick. He has had these symptoms now for over 6 weeks. My vet didn't seem to know for sure what it was. I had read that once a chicken starts to show symptoms of Marek's that they only live about three to four weeks. So I'm not sure what to think as he's still hanging in there and eating and drinking. I don't know whether to put him out of his misery or not.
i would give him supplements in cooked egg like some poly vi sol vitamins & some tuna & tuna water and see if he gets any better , i would not put him down unless ,he was much worse, , we never know if our birds if given time & rest will heal them selves , with a little help from us .

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