Mareks vaccinated but showing symptoms, euthanize?


Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
Hello, I am on here asking about MD way too much 🤦🏼‍♀️ Buts it’s definitely been a learning curve.

MD and MG positive flock.
These are 17 week old vaccinated pullets.

My question is, do I euthanize when they show slight symptoms or do vaccinated chicks have a better survival rate than non vaccinated?

I’ll list symptoms but no need to read through if the answer is yes, euthanize because once symptoms show for all chickens the odds are against them. I’ve lost every non vaccinated chicken I’ve tried to treat thus far.

1st pullet started showing symptoms 2 weeks ago.
She is eating and drinking
Free ranges with the others
Has good weight.
Concerns are
Slight lack of coordination though she keeps up.
Toes curl sometimes when she lays down
She has some nasty green watery poop.
Pale face
Eyes seem a bit more closed than normal and she rests a lot.
Slight head tremor.

2nd girl started about the same time.
She is eating and drinking.
Free ranges with the others.
Concerns are
She poops a lot of watery brown cecal poops.
Slight toe curl when she lays down.
Slight wing droop but she has use of them.
Preening more since coming in.
More vocal than first pullet.
Has less weight than I’d like but I think that may be due to bullying which has been rectified.
She’s eating like crazy and seems to be improving more than the first pullet.

I fed some mash with nutri drench when they came in and started giving vitamin E and B complex.


pullet #1 (brown speckled Sussex) Pale face and eyes

Pullet #2 (silver spangled Hamburg) slight wing droop

Pullet #1 watery green poop

As always, thank you.
No, I would not cull chicks that are showing signs of Marek's, at least not before you're sure they aren't going to make it. Your first pullet sounds like she might be succumbing to the disease (I'd personally still wait to cull), but the second one I think has good chance of surviving.

How well the vaccine protects against Marek's depends on the vaccine they got and the strain of Marek's that your flock has. Ideally the vaccine is close enough to the strain that the chicken's immune system starts fighting the virus immediately once it's exposed and the bird never shows any symptoms.

Here is a good article about Marek's if you haven't read it already:
Thank you! I agree with you about the diagnosis of the two pullets. Interesting to know it’s kinda like the flu shot. You hope it’s actually for the strain you get.

In the last 2 hrs #2 has perked up some more.

The full sized birds all had tumors that they succumbed to. The first was autopsied and the others had the same symptoms when we euthanized them.
The Silkie roo had nerve inflammation and organ tumors. He was necropsied after the first for conformation.

One Dutch bantam and two Seramas suffered seizures in the house when I was attempting to treat.

No birds thus far have shown symptoms of being paralyzed before their deaths.

Here’s hoping the vaccine is close🤞🏻🤞🏻 The other 3 pullets look great! (I’m knocking on wood right now!) lol

I’ll keep watching for another 24 hrs.

Thanks again for the info and encouragement. I try to not get any hopes up with the others but was not sure about the ones that have been vaccinated.
Sorry to you've been having such trouble keeping your flock healthy. It seems like you're dealing with a bad strain of Marek's or possibly have other viruses as well. Have you confirmed Mareks through a lab? Lymphoid leukosis causes tumors much like Marek's and similar symptoms...
Sorry to you've been having such trouble keeping your flock healthy. It seems like you're dealing with a bad strain of Marek's or possibly have other viruses as well. Have you confirmed Mareks through a lab? Lymphoid leukosis causes tumors much like Marek's and similar symptoms...
Yep, 2 necropsies. We have MD and MG. I treat monthly for the MG. It’s been beyond stressful and time consuming.

Pullet #1 is drinking excessive amounts of water and is pooping water with some green bits. She used her wing for balance getting up a couple times but can still walk. She is mostly getting up to drink, eat a very small amount, drink again and then goes back to lay down.

Pullet #2 seems to still be improving. Definitely not going backwards at least.

I brought in another one of their flock mates for pullet #2. She will be alone if we make the decision for the other. This decision just never gets easier.

Unfortunately pullet #1 dis not make Her balance was declining faster as the day went on.

Pullet #2 still does not appear to be declining though every so often I see her peck at air. I’m hoping it is just the white pad throwing her sight off just enough. But I do know this can also be a sign of what’s to come. We will wait it out and see.

I hope the decision to bring in a mate does not backfire. I really thought Freckles was going make it just 24 hrs ago.

Decision is official, no more chicks, not even vaccinated ones.

Unfortunately pullet #1 dis not make Her balance was declining faster as the day went on.

Pullet #2 still does not appear to be declining though every so often I see her peck at air. I’m hoping it is just the white pad throwing her sight off just enough. But I do know this can also be a sign of what’s to come. We will wait it out and see.

I hope the decision to bring in a mate does not backfire. I really thought Freckles was going make it just 24 hrs ago.

Decision is official, no more chicks, not even vaccinated ones.
Sorry about your girl. It's so tough when you keep losing some.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for the second pullet.

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