Marek's Vaccination in small quantities


8 Years
Mar 6, 2011
Northern California
Hi all. I am getting 18 hatching eggs in a few weeks. I would love to vaccinate the new chicks for Marek's, but I am having trouble finding small quantities of the vaccine. 1000 doses is the smallest I have been able to find. Has anyone found it in smaller doses? I've seen some posts where people have divided the 1000 dose in half. That is not something I am comfortable doing.

Also, I noticed on the instructions for the 1000 dose, that you are supposed to burn all unused vaccine and all containers. Has anyone actually done that? What have you done with it if you didn't burn it?

If this subject has already been discussed to death, I apologize that it didn't manage to stumble across it.

The vaccine is only available in large quanity simply because it is not cost effective in smaller quanities, it is actually only cost effective if you have 1000 chicks. I vaccinated my babies and simply burned the rest. It is only good for a very short time after it is mixed and unless you got together with a bunch a other people that needed the vaccine at the same exact time you mixed it, all you can do is use what you need and destroy the rest.

You can't divide it up it is vaccume sealed in glass vials you don't want to open them because it would not be useable.

It's just one of those things that was meant for a large farm and won't be produced for small flocks and if it were it would still cost the same ammount anyways if not even more.

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