Maryland Poultry Swap & Farmer's Market October 1st 9-3 SHARPSBURG

Brian, I am sorry but, I do not understand your questions

At APA sanctioned shows, sometimes people aren't aware of the guidelines and show up without having the proper testing done on their flock. It happens all the time. It is really up to the event coordinators or the state testers whether they require those folks to leave. If, after checking over the birds, everyone seems fine... most of the time, the testers will swab for AI and let it go. You yourself just admitted how being NPIP isn't the end all be all to having clean birds??? I spoke with the girls from the University of MD (whom are completely qualified might I add) about it that day and they reported that everything seemed fine and they weren't too concerned.

We are checking everyone's info on October 1st at the gate. We'll have a FREE testing clinic for Marylanders the Sunday prior to the event and anyone who participates in the clinic will be able to receive their paperwork at the gate. Anyone who doesn't have it, won't be permitted sell. PERIOD. This is not to say that people won't be selling out of their cars in the parking area or whatever else. I cannot possibly keep track of a thousand people and that is why we are trying to nicely make you aware of the BUYER BEWARE policy. Do your homework to protect your birds because YOU are the one who cares the most about them My father used to always say, "you are your best ally" and I have taken this to heart in many aspects of my life.
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I have a question- you said you were there in April.
Did you buy? If not ok but if there was a life or death disease there for chickens or any poultry you would have as well as the rest of us brought it home tol our own birds.
Just the way people where touching everything, walking through everything, it would have spread like wild fire to all the birds.
Their was close to or above a 1000 people the whole day walking around to every bird seller npip or not ,should have been there or not.
Even driving your car or truck over the field to leave we would have brought it home.
So my question is did you loose any birds?
I did not have any come down sick, I know for other buyers and sellers that did not have a loss.
In the end it is every persons call on how they run their flock, if they will be there or not.
It is for poultry people to get together have fun,show,sell, & buy.
Yes in a prefect world every body would have 100% safe and healthy birds but we do not live in a perfect world. So it is what it is.
Being that it was a first time for such a big swap and noone knew that many would be there I think Erin did the best job she could do being over whelmed.
She lived she learned and she can only do better knowing what to expect now.
As. To calling the state vet I think that is a Dang (blipped to child safe reading)
Fine idea! I know they were talked to durning the whole set up for the April swap/show.
So if you can get more info out of them more power to you!
Please share any you get. I think it is best to get the info from more then one point of view.
Being you are so worried about your flock shows you care so good for you.
That has been the one thing holding me up from showing.
I plain to tackle that this fall.
You know.. now that I am thinking about all of this... it really does not add up. If there really was someone that had to cull their entire flock, you'd bet they'd be mighty mad and want to know how it got there. They'd be in touch with the state vet or me and my phone would've been ringing off the hook either way. AND, if it was anything really bad, it would've made the paper as well. The UMD doesn't mess around with these kinds of things and a slanderous comment like that which is TOTALLY invalidated won't be tolerated by me either. I think you should be prepared to share facts with us before making anymore statements like that because, as I am sure you are completely aware of, it can hurt my reputation which I have worked for many years, making friends, selling happy healthy and beautiful chickens, working closely with the poultry associations and hosting these types of events.
Well said.
Now let's drop it and move on to better and bigger things.
Do you have a updated list of what will be there and any wants?
As I stated before I sure am hoping there will be call ducks there.
I told Tammy that if April comes, she may have some. I know Gilda is coming and don't know if she has them or not. Maybe pm them and see. Tracey and April may not come and just hang back and wait for the Fall show at Frederick ... which I have been asked to man the swap section there
****sooooo excited about this***** We're advertising to the public like we have been doing with Chickenstock and the MD swap so, we're hoping for a bigger venue this year.

I am not doing so good with THE LIST but, will get on it
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you too with your call duck obsession

Hey Tonya, do you have any wheaten marans males available? I am on the prowl for a dark egg laying gened, nice patterned wheaten male for my olive egger project. I'd prefer nice, wide chest.
Yes he is Cree bloodlines he is on my site but a whole Lot bigger now and wide. Getting horses shoed today if you want u can come on out and take a look
sent 3 new not so great phone pics to gmail
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