Math help needed


10 Years
Mar 11, 2010
Frederick, MD
If I want to construct a hoop run out of pvc, how long do the ribs need to be for it to be at least 6 ft high at the peak?

So I figured that 20' of pvc pipe equals a circle circumference of 40' (if you would complete the circle) and the radius of that circle would be 40 divided by 3.14, divided by 2 equals 6.4' which would be the height of the run. Am I doing this right? Alternatively, I guess the hoop wouldn't have to be a circle, it could be an oval, in which case I could create more height with less pipe, depending on how much the pipe would agree to bend. Correct?

So then the follow up question.
If I connect two 10' lengths of 3/4" schedule 40 pvc pipe with a glued in coupling, I bend it to a circle, stick the low end into rods that I've driven in about 2 ft and I let the whole contraption sit on a wood ridge beam supported by 3 2x4s in the middle, would that hold up to moderate snow loads?. I would cover this with 2x4 welded fence with some hwc at the bottom to make sure they can't get out. A portion of this might get covered with a tarp to create a dry outside spot for feed/hangouts when it's raining. The alternative is to create a 45 degree angle pvc A frame which would shed the snow much more easily but would be hard to walk into.

Just playing with ideas at this point. My 10x14 chicken barn with room for two coops is being built saturday and i want two seperate run areas but do not want to spend major money. So I would have two hoops side by side at one of the 14' sides of the building.

Edited to add that I'm not super concerned with pvc degradation. The coop and runs will be in a deeply shaded area with not much sun exposure.

Advise? Corrections on the math? Thoughts? All is very appreciated.
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Your math is correct. Although, with the A-frame type enclosure the square footage could increase quite dramatically with the same amount of materials. With the A-frame at a peak height of 6' with 10' lengths of PVC the width of the run would be 16' compared to about 13' for the hoop run.

Hope that is clear as mud.
Is totally clear and something I hadn't thought about. I'll have to see if I have that much clearance at either side of the 14' building (this would be 2x16' - two A's side by side.It would solve one problem. The roof overhang of the coop will be 1' bringing it down to 5' and I had been trying to figure out how to fit this underneath and then deal with the water run off. But if I have 2 A's the highest point of both A's would be well away from the roofline.

Now I've added even more mud, i'm afraid.

Your comment highly appreciated.
The A frame would be better for snow load than the hoop.
I would worry about the pvc getting brittle and breaking at the stress point (next to the coupling - which won't bend) - but them again.... I am a worrier.

I have not personally tried this... hopefully someone who has will let you know.

The A frame would be better for snow load than the hoop. I would worry about the pvc getting brittle and breaking at the stress point (next to the coupling - which won't bend) -
That's why I thought of supporting those points with a ridge beam. Picture one 2x4 vertical at each end and one in the middle all at the highest point of the hoop, and then connecting these three 2x4s with a 2x4 horizontally upon which the connectors would be fastened. So they couldn't sag and they couldn't break.

But the A frame option is also in the game.
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I built a hoop run just like this about 3 years ago. Except I used a small oak tree I had cut down for the ridge board.

I have not had any problem with snow load ( we get alot here) or the PVC getting brittle.

My run is about 10 foot wide and about 61/2 foot tall in the middle. I used 2 lengths of grey pipe, but cut the flared end off on one end. I did not glue the pipes together but the joint is on top of the ridge, so I drilled and and put a screw through both pieces

Many thanks for sharing your real life experience. Any chance we could get a picture of your setup? I'd love to see it, because although I have it in my head, it may be completely different in reality, lol.
Sure, I would be happy to. but I may not be able to post it till tomorow. I am at work now.

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