May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

On another note my 7/9 Marans have pipped but one of them looks like it pipped on the wrong end! Should I do anything or just see what happens? This was about 12 hours ago and has not been any changes since. It’s at the top of the egg but way past where the air cell is.:confused:View attachment 2160404
You most likely won't need to do anything. Given plenty of time, most wrong end pippers hatch on their own.
Just an update, broody brahma one hatched the barb duccle eggs and after a week are doing well.
brahma two...... i maintain what i said earlier in the post about the breed being dumb as posts.
Day 19. 2 eggs rolled out of the nest. I thought they were probably dis, thought i would candle anyway just to check, glad i did because they were perfectly fine. Went in the incubator with the pheasant eggs.
Day 20. 2 more eggs rolled out of the nest in the morning that were perfectly fine, by the afternoon the rest were nearly stone cold and she showed no interest insetting again, so all the rest went in the bator
8 out 9 hatched which i now have to rear as broody one gets apoplectic if i try and introduce them to her even at night i (i assume that jusst too much time has gone by since hers hatched) and broody two has completely broken.
Stoopit chickun as my daughter calls it :he
*Update* Day 23 now and no change in any of the eggs. How long from an internal pip to external is normal? It's been 24 hours since I candled them and internal pip could have happened at any point between day 18 and day 22. Do I keep up hope? Still no movement either 😔

Internal pip to external pip can take up to 24 hours but not usually more than that. I have heard of chicks successfully hatching as late as day 25.
So far I've had 7 blue Ameraucana and 3 Ameraucana mixes hatch out. The mixes surprised me in that they look black, but dad is a splash. I am assuming there are different genes controlling black feathering?

Left blue, right I believe is a dark gray Dorking x splash Ameraucana.
Hoping a few more hatch! 7 more eggs, 3 didn't look viable before lockdown, but blue eggs are hard to check. One more pipped :fl

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