May 2021 Hatch - A - Long

I tried a group shot but the older three just wanted to run around so I did individual ones. Pretty sure I'm seeing little beards on some.

Chick #1 Echo.
20210524_215851.jpg 20210524_214254.jpg

Chick #2
20210524_215914.jpg 20210524_215936.jpg

Chick #3
20210524_220004.jpg 20210524_220025.jpg

Chick #4
20210524_215753.jpg 20210524_215816.jpg

Chick #5, the lighter chick
20210524_215625.jpg 20210524_215727.jpg
So 1 of my Ancona Ducklings (1 of the ones that pipped on the wrong end) is not growing like the others. It’s smaller & almost like it’s head is growing but not its body.

I’m thinking it may have a curved or shortened spine.

I’ll try & get a photo to share in a bit.

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