May hatch along :)

I candled my eggs today! It is day 9 for me. Only one of mine looked like it was not developing out of 5 so I am happy!

It's just finishing day 8 of my very first time incubating. I'm very anxious.
I just candled and marked the air cells. Can some one tell me if they are looking a bit small for day 8?
Thank you

It's just finishing day 8 of my very first time incubating. I'm very anxious.
I just candled and marked the air cells. Can some one tell me if they are looking a bit small for day 8?
Thank you
I would help, but I don't do the air sac thing I just candle for veining! :) but good luck :D
19/19 guineas developing
5/23 silkies developing
10/10 lavender Orpington developing
1/1 turkey developing

35 eggs left in
That's pretty good!

Tomorrow is candling day here!

As far as the air sacs...I am not an expert, but they do look a little small...lower your humidity just a bit and see if they look better on day 14...there is a chart somewhere on byc...maybe try searching for it. :) Good luck!
That's pretty good!

Tomorrow is candling day here!

As far as the air sacs...I am not an expert, but they do look a little small...lower your humidity just a bit and see if they look better on day 14...there is a chart somewhere on byc...maybe try searching for it. :) Good luck!

Thank you.
I've removed one of the sponges. But I've found that when I move the hydrometer around the indicator the readings change..
Our bantam went broody shortly after one of our roosters(her hubby) was taken by a fox. We let her sit, but after week she hadn't laid, so we put a fertile EE/silkie egg under her yesterday, and today she laid her first egg since being broody! We are hoping it is fertilized by her hubby! This is going to be our first time having a girl hatch eggs! Can't wait to see how they turn out! Happy hatching everyone!
Our bantam went broody shortly after one of our roosters(her hubby) was taken by a fox. We let her sit, but after week she hadn't laid, so we put a fertile EE/silkie egg under her yesterday, and today she laid her first egg since being broody! We are hoping it is fertilized by her hubby! This is going to be our first time having a girl hatch eggs! Can't wait to see how they turn out! Happy hatching everyone!
Didn't know they layed while being broody.

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