May hatch along :)

From the
"Left to her own devices, a broody will lay a clutch of eggs, then stop egg-laying and sit on them for 21 days (more or less) until they hatch."
She's in that beginning stage I believe, although she has been broody for a week.. She hadn't laid any, and was brooding in an empty nest. I am totally new to this, so I am relying on info I found online, and now personal experience. I think they only lay 7-10, and then quit completely.
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Originally Posted by ChickenNamaste

From the
"Left to her own devices, a broody will lay a clutch of eggs, then stop egg-laying and sit on them for 21 days (more or less) until they hatch."
She's in that beginning stage I believe, although she has been broody for a week.. She hadn't laid any, and was brooding in an empty nest. I am totally new to this, so I am relying on info I found online, and now personal experience. I think they only lay 7-10, and then quit completely.
I have only had mine for about a year so was going on that, they laided eggs until going broody and then stopped laying.
Well I think I may have misunderstood what I read. And as it turns out she didn't lay an egg, one of the other girls decided to lay in her nesting box, and blueberry (the bantam) said ok ill hatch it for you!
Well I think I may have misunderstood what I read. And as it turns out she didn't lay an egg, one of the other girls decided to lay in her nesting box, and blueberry (the bantam) said ok ill hatch it for you!

That's actually really common! Banty's are known for being good brooders.

Candled this morning...I had 3 that were uncertain because the eggs are just too dark to really see much of anything, BUT I think they are all viable at least...none appeared to be clear...all had good air sacs, and a mass that *should* be a growing we will continue this long waiting game! hahaha! Will candle once more in a week to check air sacs...then it's only 4 days to lock down! Yeah...that makes it seem shorter. lol
So I'm wondering if it's ok to move the eggs around the incubator?
Putting all the ones that look like they are developing in on carton/ turner and the ones that don't look to be developing in a different one?
Or is it best to leave them where they are?
Set another 21 on 4/29 tried to space it so chickens and geese would hatch about same days
So I'm wondering if it's ok to move the eggs around the incubator?
Putting all the ones that look like they are developing in on carton/ turner and the ones that don't look to be developing in a different one?
Or is it best to leave them where they are?
I move mine around,the hens move thiers around.
So I'm wondering if it's ok to move the eggs around the incubator?
Putting all the ones that look like they are developing in on carton/ turner and the ones that don't look to be developing in a different one?
Or is it best to leave them where they are?
Yea it's fine!!

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