May hatch along :)

I accidentally put this within the quote, so I'm going to post it again to see what you guys think...I am having a hard time getting the temp to stay above 99-100...humidity is good though. Do you think the eggs could still hatch? I'm going to take the one baby out in the morning...or maybe later tonight, depending on how the night goes...should I just grab it quick, or should I candle the other eggs really quickly? I'm leaning towards just waiting. I'm prepared to leave them in until Friday. Waiting stinks. :p I was hoping another would have at least pipped by now! Day 21 is tomorrow at 5 am.
I accidentally put this within the quote, so I'm going to post it again to see what you guys think...I am having a hard time getting the temp to stay above 99-100...humidity is good though.  Do you think the eggs could still hatch?  I'm going to take the one baby out in the morning...or maybe later tonight, depending on how the night goes...should I just grab it quick, or should I candle the other eggs really quickly?  I'm leaning towards just waiting.  I'm prepared to leave them in until Friday.  Waiting stinks. :p  I was hoping another would have at least pipped by now!  Day 21 is tomorrow at 5 am.

If you can take the chick out quick it should be fine. Temp should be ok, my birds hatched at 97 degrees and 80 humidity
I've been so glad this hatch that my temp has been stable and now the dang electricity is out. I have the incubator rapped in a blanket waiting for my husband to hook up the generator. Ugh :(
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I've been so glad this hatch that my temp has been stable and now the dang electricity is out. I have the incubator rapped in a blanket waiting for my husband to hook up the generator. Ugh :(

Oh no!!! Good luck!! fx!!


One lone chicky! If a few more don't hatch soon I might have to indulge my urges to take pictures of this lone Chickie in tea cups and knit tiny things for it! Lol
Doing my very 1st hatching on 12 eggs in an incubator. Barred Rocks and Jersey Giants. Eggs started cracking yesterday but still not all the way out of shell. Should I be worried? Also have 21 eggs my Jersey Giant is laying on which are due next week. Can't wait to see our little babies.
Doing my very 1st hatching on 12 eggs in an incubator. Barred Rocks and Jersey Giants. Eggs started cracking yesterday but still not all the way out of shell. Should I be worried? Also have 21 eggs my Jersey Giant is laying on which are due next week. Can't wait to see our little babies.
It can take them quite a while from pip to zip. It's such a dance of; is it stuck, is it slow, is this normal for this breed, is it dying in the shell??? My longest from external pip to zip was 28 hours. Excruciating to watch!

I would watch the ones cracking. Just see if they are still moving around in there and chirping. Last thing you want to do is open the incubator and risk the rest of the hatch. Hopefully, they will all pop out there soon!

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