May hatch along :)

I reloaded the incubator on Tuesday and gave a hen 11 eggs to sit both are the Blue Splash. I loaded my other incubator today with my Golden Lace eggs that are fertilized by the Blue Splash Roo.
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I have one of my baby chicks that hatched a day ago. She has an issue holding her head up straight. Anyone know why? What I can do to help her? I have pulled her inside so that the others stop picking on her and so that I can keep a closer eye on her. She chirps quite well so lungs working good.
Only 1. :( Poor little lone chicky! I've been battling pasty butt with it too...but otherwise it seems ok. I put my turkey egg in fx it hatches. I just got two free 3 month old jersey giant pullets from a friend though, so yay for that!
The three chicks that my broody hatched :) she was sitting on 6 eggs but after these 3 hatched she got off the nest with them and left the other eggs to get cold (the fourth hatched and died I think it was because she was not there to keep it warm) :( I hate that I was not there to prevent the loss of the last three:(





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I have one of my baby chicks that hatched a day ago. She has an issue holding her head up straight. Anyone know why? What I can do to help her? I have pulled her inside so that the others stop picking on her and so that I can keep a closer eye on her. She chirps quite well so lungs working good.

I would try some Poly Vi Sol (Childrens vitamins...W/O IRON) and see if that doesn't help her. It may be somethingas simple as a vitamin/mineral deficiency or it could be disease or defect. Hard to tell.

Start with the vitamins and see if that helps.

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