May hatch along :)

Just added some chicks to my broody hens collection of five chicks. She didn't peck any of them just me lol... She pushed them underneath her and continued to sit. Hope that means she wants them, going to check on them every hour to see how they are doing.
There's ten chicks under her and I have four left in the brooder should I put them all in or will that be too many for her? She is a chantecler/orpington standard size.
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My cuckoo marans decided to join

1 early bird out, 1 zipping, OMG these OEGB blendeds are soooooooo
Tiny. Bailey is gonna flip when she gets home today. Completely different chirping, almost a low trilling, so sweet. We'll get pics when they dry out
Wanted to let everyone know that my stargazing chick is doing better. She hasn't done it in over 24 hours. Still keeping her inside with me for a few more days. She still likes doing circles but at least now she can walk forward with no issues. On another note we have more eggs that should start hatching in the next few days. My hens started laying on them weeks ago and we decided to let them hatch them. Unfortuantly our turkey has been laying on her 2 eggs for almost 28 days and not really sure they gonna hatch, we dispatched our male turkey due to him becoming aggressive to everyone. Keepin fingers crossed that maybe they will hatch.
Oooooh I'm so jealous. This is my first hatch and Im dying to check every minute, but I'm worried Hawk Eye will say $**@ this and bolt. Ugh!!! Bantams early? Where did you start? I have a few bantam eggs. I lost two eggs and have some mix, some black bantam cochin and 3 BCM. I can't wait. And the kids are dying to see the new chicks.

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