May have to throw in the towel and give up the chickens..*updated!*

I am happy to report that the new pen is all finished! Royd did most of the work, but I tried to help as much as I could (still got dirt in my fingernails from burying cinderblocks!)..and have the sunburned face to prove it lol. It turned out awesome and was completely done with stuff that was around my yard and a few things Royd had around his yard. I do need to go back and add hardware cloth around the bottom just in case, but I think they're safe for now. I'm also going to have to find more aluminum pan roofing because Royd only had enough to do about half the roof, the other half is covered with tarp. Thanks to everyone who offered advice and a great big thank you to Royd (or as my son decided to call him the whole time, Mike lol) for giving up 4 days to work on this for me! I (and the chickens) really appreciate it!


Ignore the mess..I haven't gotten out there to clean it up yet lol. Half the top is aluminum pan roofing and the other half is tarp. We made use of some fence panels and plywood for one side, the back and some of the front. Royd buried cinderblock around the bottom to keep critters from digging in.


Just another view


The roosts


The nesting area. May have to take the doghouse out as they're wanting to hang out in there. The big red girl closest to the milk crate is Big Red..the only girl I have laying right now. She was supposed to be a RIR..not quite lol.


The chickies checkin out there new place!
Royd, you rock!!!
May God bless you real good for your kindness to a BYC neighbor!!!

It looks so good, and how cool that you did it with mostly reclaimed materials. Way to go! I love the bamboo roosts, and I bet the chickies like them too.

Is that plastic doghouse going to be the only nest box? You can try attatching a fringed T-shirt over the door to screen the opening. That way (hopefully) the hens will go in there when they're feeling egg-ish, and not just to hang out.
I have it growing in my backyard. I call it the gardener's best tool. I drill a hole in one board and slot the other one, for easy removal, for clean up.

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