maybe respiratory sickness?


Sep 5, 2019
We just got home from camping and my neighbor was taking care of our chickens. When i got home i went to go check on everyone and i noticed that when my americauna breathed it was crackly and gurgly. I quarantined her and put a couple drops of apple cider vineger and VetRX in her water. Anything else i could do, any idea what might be wrong?
Thanks in advance!
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It sounds like a possible respiratory disease. Look for any nasal drainage, watery or a bubbly eye, swelling of the face or around the eye, and any gasping. Let us know what you find. There are a handful of respiratory diseases that come from a carrier or wild birds. Some chickens can have a disease that lies dormant, and symptoms may show up during a period of cold weather or molting when they are stressed. Antibiotics would only help if it is something bacterial, such as MG or coryza.
Certain antibiotics such as Tylosin powder in the water, can help with MG. A vet may be able to prescribe one, and some can be found on pigeon sites, such as Jedds. Feed stores do not sell many antibiotics any more due to FDA regs. Here is a link about many diseases:
I checked and she has a watery eye, and when she breathes it sounds like a mix between a gurgle and like she has phlegm stuck in her throat. i dont ever really now what dosage of VetRX to give her:idunno
Vet Rx should have instructions on the label. It is not a drug, but a mixture of herb oils and camphor. It would similar to using Vicks. I would watch for any bubbles or foam in her eye or any swelling of her face, and then order some Tylosin powder online. That treats MG symptoms.

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