McMurray Assortment Chick Guessing Fun

I would especially like to figure out what my little penguins are. They are black on top and yellow underneath with yellow spot at top of wing and they have black beaks and legs. Very friendly. I am hoping most of them are girls! I do realize that McMurray's are not that true to breed. I am just having fun with these. Pets that lay eggs! In the past I have had bantams (that was long ago and I didn't know different breeds they were all just small colorful chickens), RIR, buff orpingtons, and silkies (those were from a breeder). Been a while, excited to have chickens again!
When you are dealing with hatchery Easter Eggers, you never know what you will get as they are mixed breds, the above very well could be EE, as could most if not all of the 'chipmunk' ones... A lot of my own hatched barnyard mix 'olive eggers' started out looking exactly like the above penguins, and have grown up to be misc, black, silver or gray colored birds...
When you are dealing with hatchery Easter Eggers, you never know what you will get as they are mixed breds, the above very well could be EE, as could most if not all of the 'chipmunk' ones...

A lot of my own hatched barnyard mix 'olive eggers' started out looking exactly like the above penguins, and have grown up to be misc, black, silver or gray colored birds...

hello MeepBeep I am of terra and the color of it incidentally,

love the screen name . seriously. im a trekky, scifi enthusiast
When you are dealing with hatchery Easter Eggers, you never know what you will get as they are mixed breds, the above very well could be EE, as could most if not all of the 'chipmunk' ones...

A lot of my own hatched barnyard mix 'olive eggers' started out looking exactly like the above penguins, and have grown up to be misc, black, silver or gray colored birds...
I so didn't know about Easter Eggers when I ordered. It was simply the only pullets available at the time and I vaguely remembered thinking they were cool from somewhere. But what makes me laugh is that I thought, well, I will be able to tell which they are because there will be six of them!!!! HAHAHAHA on me. There were si of the chipmunk looking ones but when I looked up the chicks on the website I saw that they could look like almost ANYTHING. It has been so much fun.
These were the ones I called the chipmunks. Now I can see differentiation but still on the same theme and they all still look like pullets, same weight, greenish legs, could be the easter eggers. Or not!

Also have two like this....I am thinking leghorn, slender fast and flighty.
Hard to get a good pic.

My biggest and smallest.....a little white Polish and a giant who knows?

These were the ones I called the chipmunks. Now I can see differentiation but still on the same theme and they all still look like pullets, same weight, greenish legs, could be the easter eggers. Or not!

those are easter eggers-americaunas. I have 1 nearly ready to lay and 1 about the age of yours , I bought 1 as an EE and the other as an americauna
Updates on the penguins. I can see differences now. As one of you said, black chicks all look alike. Going to like whatever thay are!

those are easter eggers-americaunas. I have 1 nearly ready to lay and 1 about the age of yours , I bought 1 as an EE and the other as an americauna
Thanks, I am thinking that is so. I am glad that it looks like they are really all girls. Going to have enough roos and a hard choice as it is!

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