McMurray Hatchery Question

I ordered 50 chicks including some BO's They sent the 50, the rare chick, and about 6 extra BO's. I figured they were not so much packing peanuts as extras in case some died.
I just placed my order with Mcmurray and ordered 25. 2 buff orpingtons-2 black Australorp-2 Silver laced Wyandotte-2 buff brahma bantam-2 rhode island reds- 2 partridge rocks and the rest were white rocks. I ordered only one rooster, the Silver laced wyandotte. I am very new to the chicken world, will all of these guys get along well? i can change my order real quick. They are suppose to arrive on the 16th of march. I live in ohio and hope they all live. I am suppose to get a rare chick for free and wonder what i will get. I also wonder if I chose the right rooster for my hens. The white rocks will go to a friend.
Thanks for any and all advice.
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Wow... After reading this we are scared that we are going to get a bunch of peanuts. We ordered 25 + free rare. 10 SL, 7 GL, 8 Partridge, rare. Since this would be our first time with chickens it may be stressful to have 5 extras... (though I wouldn't mind)
They would probably try to get them all in one box if it was close to 25. I ordered 35 and they added a free RIR, a free Black Australorp and 12 Red Star male packing peanuts. As someone else mentioned, the little roos are very rambunctious. They race around the brooder knocking other chick over. I'm planning on giving most of them away.

Here's a pic, the peanuts are the yellow ones with a red spot on their heads

When I ordered from McMurray years ago, I ordered 25 and i got the 1 rare and 1 extra, but 1 was dead in the box when it arrived so I ended up with exactly what I ordered.
I ordered 33 chicks once and got SEVENTEEN red star rooster peanuts...

They were MEAN little suckers...I mean aggressive with each other, aggressive with US...drew blood on several occasions.

They became dog food...

That was the only time we got peanuts...we were kinda hoping for some this last order...but got exactly what we ordered instead.
they just throw in whatever they want to add extra body heat... they added two extra males marked free on bill and about 11 more not sure what they are

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