Meal planning and budgeting . . . getting started P.4!!!


Bird of A Different Feather
11 Years
Dec 20, 2008
Boise, Idaho
The basics of how I plan and budget, healthy, affordable and GOOD meals for a large family.

My philosophies:
1. Trips to the store are EXPENSIVE . . . last minute trips force you to spend at least twice as much – even more if your only quick option is a small country store. Therefore a plan is essential.

2. Hamburger helper only tastes good if you are 5 . . . and it’s expensive.

3. Preprocessed foods are not good for you and should be used in limited amounts . . . and they are expensive

4. Even chicken lovers get tired of chicken three nights a week.

5. We are omnivores are bodies are made to extract the proper nutrients from a combination of grains, vegetables and meat. Vegetarianism is a great concept; red meat every night is a wonderful indulgence; carbs in excess make you fat and lead to diabetes; fat and cholesterol in excess hurt your kidneys and liver. Maybe I am an ignorant fool, but I think a balanced diet with all things in moderation is the most sensible choice for me and my family. IF YOU DON’T AGREE PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE AND START YOUR OWN THREAD. Gosh I hate to come across in such a negative manner, and I apologize if that does but I do not want this turned into a vegetarian/carnivore/carb-less debate.

6. Saving money is good.

7. Having a full pantry as a buffer for lean times, or who knows, maybe the breakdown of our shopping system, is good. I work with refugees; and while I have had my poor days I have never had to watch my family starve, but I know intimately people who have and I will do my part to not let that happen to my family.

8. Mine is a life in progress - this past year I learned how to keep and maintain a flock of chickens that would provide our egg needs (we use a dozen a day in my house) & how to can pickles (the best recipe turned out to be the simplest). Next year I want to learn to can chicken stock & tomato sauce and raise meat birds and maybe a pair of Turkeys. What I am saying is that there is A LOT I don’t know, and I worry that this thread will make me sound like a “know it all” – I’m not, I ‘m just going to share some philosophies that I was asked to share; feel free to use or reject as much as you want!

All the above paired with my OCD has led me to keep a year’s menu . . . FOR EVERYTHING lol; breakfast, snacks, lunch, cocktail hour and Dinner. Although that sounds really rigid, it actually saves me a ton of money and time and allows me to be prepared which helps me sleep at night. I spend one day a year making changes to my shopping list and menu. I do my big shopping (non perishables) one day a month and quick shopping (vegis/dairy/meat) one day a week.

My dinners are planned to be meat every other day (although I use meat for flavor in many of my “non-meat” dishes). You will see that on my non-meat dinner days, there is usually a meat lunch – you will find the use of dairy and grains equally balanced. We don’t eat a lot of sugar in our house so you won’t find planned deserts (have at it!). We have desert only maybe once a week and then it’s usually only a batch of cookies or some ice cream.

Ummm . . . what else . . . fish! I think fish is very good for us and that we as Americans rarely eat enough of it as a protein source. You will see that I have it planned into the menu three times a week; once as a dinner, once as a lunch and once as an appetizer.

Oh yes, cocktail hour; a well established tradition in our family for generations. Others may call it happy hour, appetizers, after school snacks, beer thirty . . . you choose; it’s a small snack at 4:30 to hold you over until dinner, a chance for dad to come in from the shop and say hi to the kids and enjoy a beer before finishing the evenings work, a minute for mom to enjoy a glass of wine listen to the kids recount of the day and sit for a second before switching hats and starting dinner.

Feel free to make comments or at least tell me someone is reading this . . . more to follow shortly.
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Thank you, Katy. I am watching and eagerly waiting for more!
Well, Katy is anyone wants to give you grief, its guilt that is making them do it. My whole rest-of-my-life plan is to become at least 50% self sufficient. I feel like that is a doable. You're right about nutrition, only thing I would add is a good non-commercial multi-vitamin and a few other things . . .but you are definitely on the right track!!!! You go, girl!!!!
5. We are omnivores are bodies are made to extract the proper nutrients from a combination of grains, vegetables and meat. Vegetarianism is a great concept; red meat every night is a wonderful indulgence; carbs in excess make you fat and lead to diabetes; fat and cholesterol in excess hurt your kidneys and liver. Maybe I am an ignorant fool, but I think a balanced diet with all things in moderation is the most sensible choice for me and my family. IF YOU DON’T AGREE PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE AND START YOUR OWN THREAD. Gosh I hate to come across in such a negative manner, and I apologize if that does but I do not want this turned into a vegetarian/carnivore/carb-less debate.

Thank you, thank you for mentioning this. I have the same basic philosophy
...hence my thanks. So count me in. I need a nickel for everytime I try to tell farmers market customers or acquaintances what being an omnivore and the nutritional requirements really mean.

8. Mine is a life in progress - this past year I learned how to keep and maintain a flock of chickens that would provide our egg needs (we use a dozen a day in my house) & how to can pickles (the best recipe turned out to be the simplest). Next year I want to learn to can chicken stock & tomato sauce and raise meat birds and maybe a pair of Turkeys. What I am saying is that there is A LOT I don’t know, and I worry that this thread will make me sound like a “know it all” – I’m not, I ‘m just going to share some philosophies that I was asked to share; feel free to use or reject as much as you want!

Good for you doing all that learning and having plans to learn more! I've been canning for decades...but, but, I'm only 50. We raise beef, chicken, turkey and pork. Anyway, we all start somewhere and we all strive to learn more. How wonderful that you're willing to share your excellent planning and money saving skills.

PS....we love fish, seafood, and cocktail hour too!​
My Dh and kids Loooooove to fish which means we have a lot of crappie and catfish in our freezer. I would love to see how you prepare yours because frankly, I'm tired of fried. Occasionally I can get him to grill it for us which would be so much better. We haven't taken the leap and tried fish tacos yet. Someday though. Meanwhile, I'm making the bean soups that are going over well. It is hard for me to commit to a plan with three kids involved in one activity or another. I will say that my kids are not overprogramed. They will join a sport, play etc. that they thoroughly enjoy. I have a kid in elem., one in middle school and one in HS which makes it a little difficult to get dinner on the table the same time everynight.

Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas with us.
Thanks for this Katy! Can you give us a sample menu...just to give us an idea.. thanks!
A sample menu? I was hoping for a peek at a week's plan! (Or a month's!) This is something I would love to do for myself at some point. I'm tired of coming in at 5 and wondering what I should do for dinner! I'm very organized in some areas of my life but this isn't one of them. I dream of creating a plan based on lots of fresh foods in season where one day's groceries dovetailed into the next. (Like if I use half a pint of yogurt one day, the other half will be required a couple of days later so I don't have things left in the fridge going bad...)

We had a garden this year. I'm great at planting. Not so great at harvesting and using what we grow in a timely manner!
I promise I will get to this late this afternoon after I finish the new chicken feeders . . . we've got bad weather coming tonight and I have to get loose ends wrapped up

Yes, me too. I am very good at planning things, but meal planning is not one and I would not know where to start.
so I am patiently waiting....


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