Meal Worm Advice


Apr 4, 2014
I recently purchased 1000 mealworms to start a colony. My chicks love them. I read some of the other threads here to get started. I used oats and whole wheat flour for bedding and placed apple halves skin side down in the bedding. At first everything seemed to be going well. Here lately I am noticing quite a few dead black worms. There are also fruit flies or gnats in the tank.

The tank itself is a hexagonal fish tank. It's pretty big, I think it's 30 or 40 gallon. The begging is about 3 inches deep. I have a piece of plexiglass covering the opening about midway. The first apple I put in has shriveled and started to decay. I left it in there because I read the beatles like to lay eggs inside. I added another fresh apple. I am seeing some pupa as well. But I am wondering if it is normal to have some of the worms die off. Or is it bad to leave the apple in after it starts to rot. I know many feed the dead beatles but I am not sure if it's ok to feed the dead worms. Any advice?

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