Mealworms Farm

I started a mealworm farm and I'm very heavy on beetles. What did I do wrong?

It's part of the Darkling Beetle life cycle..

All meal worm if left long enough will pupate into beetles.. the sexually mature and egg laying stage.. it's the only way to be a "farm" and to produce more meal worm larvae.

Maturity possibly influenced by temperatures.. refrigeration causes a sort of hibernation (in larva), slowing of growth.. but also often produces half shed or deformed beetles. Warm temperatures.. including those caused by crowding (mass body heat) might increase growth/maturity rate.

Beetles can be fed out too.. slightly different nutrient value (less fat).. but then you decrease you're future larva potential.

Fun challenge and experience.. real life SIMS!

Best wishes finding balance for YOUR colony and location! :fl
Will I be seeing worms again soon?
The eggs are almost microscopic.. once they hatch.. they're very tiny "worms" and go through a set of molts on their way to larger sizes (these shed "skins" float to the top of the bin and blow off easily).. The tiny worms are easiest seen on the moisture source.

Turn around for me (at about 60 degrees) until feed out size larva was 8 + months. I no longer keep them, but it was fun while it lasted.

Sources indicate nutrition matters, but maybe also actual species..

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