I rear mealworms, it's simple and low-maintenance. I think this site has the best how-to:

Personally, I used wheat bran as bedding since I can get it inexpensively at the feed store and it is easy to sift and use carrots as the water source, or occasionally other veggie scraps. I use a set of drawers from the craft store to separate the various life stages and move the adult beetles to a new bin approximately every 3 weeks. I also purchased a set of sifters (the kind usually used for sifting minerals) in order to separate large worms from small worms and their bedding. Feel free to ask if you have any questions!
I rear mealworms, it's simple and low-maintenance. I think this site has the best how-to:

Personally, I used wheat bran as bedding since I can get it inexpensively at the feed store and it is easy to sift and use carrots as the water source, or occasionally other veggie scraps. I use a set of drawers from the craft store to separate the various life stages and move the adult beetles to a new bin approximately every 3 weeks. I also purchased a set of sifters (the kind usually used for sifting minerals) in order to separate large worms from small worms and their bedding. Feel free to ask if you have any questions!
THANKS, ill check out the site
does anyone raise mealworms for their there a good how to do site?
My husband is raising them for our chickens. He researched for weeks before starting, but he had to go to tons of different sites to get all the answers he needed. Unfortunately, no single site was as complete as it should have been, and the different sites often contradicted each other. So far, he's been very successful. He has many egg producing beetle containers and tons (hundreds of thousands) of baby worms that have hatched. We have a very low death rate. If you start raising them, he will be happy to answer any questions.
My husband is raising them for our chickens. He researched for weeks before starting, but he had to go to tons of different sites to get all the answers he needed. Unfortunately, no single site was as complete as it should have been, and the different sites often contradicted each other. So far, he's been very successful. He has many egg producing beetle containers and tons (hundreds of thousands) of baby worms that have hatched. We have a very low death rate. If you start raising them, he will be happy to answer any questions.
its not as easy as they all say it is
It depends on the size of your operation. Ours is medium sized, and it takes us about an hour to an hour and a half a day to tend it. It's not difficult, but it is somewhat time consuming. Our chickens LOVE it though, and it's very high quality protein for them in the winter - or even in the spring and summer. The worms you buy in places like Petsmart are crap. They're full of hormones. Whatever your worms/beetles eat, your chickens eat too. Once you have a process in place, it's not bad at all. We already have people wanting to buy from us for their pets because they know homegrown are better than store bought.

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