
The bigger the better but not giant as some have been treated w chemicals to get big. Mine go threw them like candy 3 chickens can devour 50 in minutes. I give them as a treat and to tame chickens so no idea if they even effect egg production you would have to feed a tom I would think to make a difference.
I got some small to medium size meal worms and they eat them right up. Serious disappearing act by the girls!! I will have to order some more since they seem to be cheaper online.
I got some small to medium size meal worms and they eat them right up. Serious disappearing act by the girls!! I will have to order some more since they seem to be cheaper online.
We raise meal worms for our girls as well. It has becomes such a fun project for my son that we are overwhelmed with them! I'd be willing to sell you some if you contact me, will have to figure out shipping and see if it is even worth it. I have our mini operation on my son's website if you want to check it out, but we have since upgraded it and I'll be posting the new set up soon! Fun science project!
For shipping I used to sell them when I had extra that's been a long time thought. I take a brown paper lunch sack toss mealworms in handful of medium fold bag down flat, tape shut place is small bubble mailer. $2 or less to ship. I would also be interested in buying some possibly
I don't know if meal worms are good or bad for your hens. I do however know that the Lesser Darkling Beadle (the adult form of a meal worm) is an extremely serious pest on commercial chicken farms. The adults as well as the meal worms bore into the walls of chicken houses and because they live in deep litter and feed on waste feed and chicken manure, both Darkling Beetles and meal worms can and do spread every parasite and communicable disease known to chickens. Be very very careful when you raise your own mealworms and be extra very very very careful of the people you buy mealworms from because an old broiler house with a foot or so worth of packed litter and damp chicken poop is the perfect place to grow out a huge crop of mealies.

Caveat emptor.... Latin for let the buyer beware.

As for liver damage everything that you or your chickens eat or drink will surely kill both you or your chickens if it is consumed in inappropriate amounts.
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For shipping I used to sell them when I had extra that's been a long time thought. I take a brown paper lunch sack toss mealworms in handful of medium fold bag down flat, tape shut place is small bubble mailer. $2 or less to ship. I would also be interested in buying some possibly

Thanks for the awesome info! Cheapest I could find was $5, but that was by mailing in a container. I will get with you and Chicken Jay by PM about sending you some mealies, you two can be our testers to see how the mailing process goes.
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Look forward to "testing"!!! And I am sure the girls are too!!!
how do you raise mealworms? is it cheaper to do that then to buy them? 
absolutely cheaper to raise than buy. After setup costs for bins or drawer setup the substrate they live in and eat should be less than 20 dollars in 2 months possibly 3 months. The moisture vegetables should be ten or so. I used to pull 8000 a week for about a dollar a thousand. If you have any questions let me know. This is my hobby and business.
Just got my MealWorms in the meail from DmCrawlz of Chicken Little Cocoa and they are amazing! Shipped on time, and arrived as promised. I was alittle worried that shipping insects would not allow for them to arrive still alive, but let me tell you, they were doing back flips to get out of the package. If you need some MealWorms, DmCrawlz is the person to get them from. Best part about it is that her son is the worm farmer so you will support this youngster's business!

Can't wait to feed them to the girls!!

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