
In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 17, 2014
Mims, Florida
I started my mealworm farm about 2 weeks ago to provide my chickens their own supply of mealworms. I decided to keep it simple and keep them in one container. I didn't have to order my mealworms online, instead I just went to the local petco. Simple bedding g with rolled oats and powdered milk. Throw in some sliced carrots and lettuce and I was done.

Checked on them today and I have my first pupae. Sooooooo excited!!!!

Yuck! But a fantastic idea. Where did you get the info on that? free food that is high in protein for the flock, love it! I have a red wiggler bin but know nothing about this kind. I am assuming it wont work in Kentucky yet, but warm weather is around the month ;) My chickens want maggots too :)
Mine are indoors since all you need is is something similar to a rubber maid tote. I found all my info online, I just Google mealworms farming. I am also doing a black soldier fly larvae in a composter, sometime in the next couple weeks when I can fit it in with my other projects.
Mealworms and Black Soldier flies have a much higher production rate then red wigglers too so it's a lot more bang for your buck if the purpose is feeding your chickens. If I remember correctly they also have a higher protein content too.
Sueblack I have red wigglers for my compost too but where I live all I had to do was pile my compost and the worms found there own way there. But if your looking to aquire them you should probably check with a local bait shop. They should have them pretty cheap.
Don't know if this thread is still live but hey ho worth a shot! I'm thinking about starting breeding mealworms, how would i go about doing this? Are they hard to set up/look after? And how many do they produce? I only have a few hens and would hate to become over run with mealworms!!!

Any help much appreciated :)
They are very easy to set up, there is pretty much 2 main ways to do it; all in one container (which is what I started with) or a setup with 3 drawers. I am planning on trying the 3 drawer setup too since that seems to be the most popular. They are very low maintenance and each female can produce up to 500 eggs. I wouldn't be too worried about being overrun because any extra meal worms can be stored in the refrigerator in a proper container where they basically stop growing and can be saved for later.

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