Mean mom pecking 1 day old baby!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
I have no clue what to do! This is the first time we have let our hens keep their eggs. Our first one is a great mom but this one keeps picking on the same little baby. She would do this while she was still sitting and the other hens babies wandered over to her roosting box. Should I take the baby away or will she stop? I want to help!
How serious is the pecking? Is it hard enough that she is hurting the baby? I know my first time moms would peck the babies out of curiosity and to help them under. If she is doing serious damage (knocking over, bleeding, etc.) then you need to separate them.
She won't let me get near the chick. I can hold all the others but him, so I don't know if it is serious or not.
It may be because she is a first time mom but I am not sure. Once it is dark and she is asleep, you should be able to get close enough to get the chick. As long as there is no blood or bald spots on the chick, I wouldn't worry.
Just wondering how that poor little chick was doing

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