Mean Polish


11 Years
Sep 4, 2008
Central Ohio
I have a five month old polish cockerel that is very mean to all the other chickens. He is pulling feathers and grabbing the hens by the legs. He's not trying to breed just being aggressive. I'm new to polish. Is this normal polish behavior?
I was told that Polish were very docile. Then we got two of them. They are just over a year old and at first they were very they seem to be at the head of the pecking order and some of my chickens are afraid of them. I have seen them attack other chickens by jumping on their backs or plucking their butts. Yet when it comes to me or my family they are suddenly very calm.

I am convinced that Polish and Orps are regular Dr. Jekyls and Mr. Hydes. If you are watching they are very nice but just don't turn your head.
One of my polish is very mean. He is constantly harassing those below him on the totem pole. He does not mess with the head roo or humans but is relentless to the other polish who can not see as well. He just got out of solitary confinement because he chased two polish roos off the property. Only one was able to make it back.
I have 2 polish roo brothers, about 9 months old. They are both perfect gentlemen, good to the girls, and I can pick them up and love on them anytime I want.
I had 3 other polish roos who were nuts, they wanted to fight, and went ballistic if I even looked at them. They were rehomed.
Find a nice polish roo. You don't need a mean one.

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