Meat Bird Processing Tools and Materials Whats your Advice???


12 Years
Sep 1, 2011
Graham, WA.
Hi everyone..... We are going to be processing about 32 Cornish X in about 2 or 3 Weeks. This will be our first time. So I am working now on getting everything ready. I am wondering if all you folks that have done this before have any ideas or advice on good set ups or tools needed to make the process go well?? You know like types of knives, tools, storage bags, how many buckets Etc...

Our County here has a program that lets us rent processing equipment for $20.00 for the weekend. So I have reserved that and hope the date I picked is a good one to match the Birds :) I will have Killing Cones, Plucker, and Scalder. So Im open for ideas on the rest of whats needed. Figured I d ask the experts before I go out and spend $$ on stuff I may or may not need :)

Thank You!!!!
I'd suggest a couple of really sharp knives because with the number of birds you're going to do, they'll get dull and you'll be sawing.

I usually go the route of buying disposable scalpels. They're really sharp and make for nice clean cuts. Figure they'll last for a couple of birds before getting useless.

Get yourself a lot of 1-gallon bags for storing and freezing. A vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment really sucks the air out and makes a nice professional looking bird.
I don't use many tools, just haven't gotten around to making a plucker or cones, and use my water bath canner for scalding. I go through all my sets in the Learning Center article in my signature :)
I purchased plastic bags from Cornerstone Farm. They can be heat-shaped (via a dip in hot water) to the dimensions of the bird making for a nice presentation.

A good sturdy pair of industrial scissors is the tool of my choice - very helpful in removing feet and wing-tips. My husband prefers a Stanley folding blade (disposable razor/contractor blades). But he does the cavity while I work on the feather bits. The "deed" is done with a 4" filet knife so sharp it's scary.

Cabela's sells a fabulous processing table (advertised for fish processing) - it's nice as it's a bit taller than an ordinary worktable and easier on your back if standing for a while!

Good luck!
Don't forget about cooling the birds quickly. I make ice in bread pans and fill clean coolers with ice water for chilling as soon as the birds are eviscerated. When all the birds have been chilled I drain them and refrigerate or drain the water from the coolers and set them on top of the remaining ice overnight.

I also keep a butter knife handy when plucking, to scrape off any pin feathers, and I use a grapefruit spoon to scrape out any lungs missed with my fingers.

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