meat chickens

Here is a pic of a 6 month old CX roo. He's running with a mixed flock at the present and we intend to separate him with delaware hens once it cools down some. They free-range full time and are given light rations in the evening. We have tried to keep off excess weight through the heat of the summer (coastal Louisiana). Keep us updated Celie. I'm in Erath just a couple of hours from you.

Nutrition should be the same.

The home raised Cornish Cross are nothing like store bought birds. So you are way ahead on taste and texture, right off the bat. (if they are well raised and not raised like commercial birds)

The dual purpose birds will have stronger flavor and stronger texture because they are butchered much older. If you want that firmer texture and stronger flavor, you can raise heritage breeds or you can just run your Cornish Cross on to an older age.

A lot depends on which piece of chicken you like. My family likes breast meat and won't eat the legs, so the dual purpose or heritage birds would be a total waste for me. They also cost a lot more per pound to get to the table, and while I am willing to pay more than store bought, cost is a consideration.

I suggest that you buy a couple of Cornish Cross and a few different heritage breeds and raise them up and see which one your family likes to eat. Nobody on the internet can tell you which you will think tastes better.
what are some breeds that are used meati
it seems like you can ask 100 people and get 102 different answers on that one... many heritage meat farmers raise delwares or white rocks, some people like buckeyes or BO others like cochin. many like crossing hertiage beeds. Im 6 weeks into raising white rock hens and delaware roos to be crossed. We all have our own ideas and everyone has what works for them.
Here is a pic of a 6 month old CX roo.  He's running with a mixed flock at the present and we intend to separate him with delaware hens once it cools down some.  They free-range full time and are given light rations in the evening.  We have tried to keep off excess weight through the heat of the summer (coastal Louisiana).  Keep us updated Celie.  I'm in Erath just a couple of hours from you.

Wow your CX roo is impressive!!!
Mine are all 6 weeks Old now and I have spent 152.00 On feed allready and We have a few more weeks to go Before they are ready to process so I will be back to get more feed this week But I started with 52 Birds down to 42 Now
Mine are all  6 weeks Old now and I have spent 152.00 On feed allready and We have a few more weeks to go Before they are ready to process so I will be back to get more feed this week  But I started with 52 Birds down to 42 Now 

About how many pounds of feed have you gone through? And what variety meat birds?
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