Meat duck eatin' question


11 Years
Jan 9, 2013
Just wondering if, when it's time for our meat ducks to go to that Great Pond in the Sky, can we eat it the day we've processed it or does it HAVE to set in the fridge for a day or 2?
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You can eat it the same day but it is best to let the body heat come off it AND wait for rigor mortis come out of it. Otherwise it will be tough as an old boot. I cool my chickens in ice water for a couple of hours, then put them in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours (3 days is better IMO) or until you can move the joints freely. You may get more info if you ask the mods to move this thread to the Meat section. I have heard some say that if you can skin or pluck a bird quickly and cook it before rigor sets in (under an hour? Not sure), that will work, but once rigor sets in you have to wait till it relaxes.

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