Medicated feed and eggs


5 Years
May 8, 2015
I have been feeding my flock medicated feed. They range in age from 12 weeks-18 weeks and laying--just started. I have a few questions. Can we eat our first eggs or should I switch to non medicated feed before we eat them. Also, one of the 12 weekers just crowed. We plan to eat him, should we switch his food to non medicated before we consume him? If so how long does he need in order to be "clean"? This brings me to my next question. For my layer and up and coming it best to just set out oyster shell and keep everyone else on starter grower until they all are laying?
Being edible on medicated feed depends on the feed. Read your bag and go to the company website or call the 800 number to ask about that spacific feed. As far as oyster shell and grower that's the best idea all the way through their life span. That way there is no worries about calcium toxins for non layers, plus no scramble to keep a roo or baby out of the layer feed.
The tag on the bag should give you a withdrawal time.
I toss out oyster shells, and just switched to Feather Fixer feed, it's high in protein and calcium. I don't expect most of mine to start laying until the end of September.
Most medicated feed just contains a tiny bit of Corid, which does not require an egg withdrawal period. I would finish the bag and supply crushed oyster shells on the side, then switch to layer feed.
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