medicated feed?


6 Years
Jun 24, 2013
Buna, TX
I have noticed a lot of talk about medicated feed. Well, my feed store locally was sold out, sp we just got plain chick starter and grit (in case of pine shaving consumption....and treats in the near future).

The medicated feed is really just for cocci-however its spelled, right?

So as long as i keep the brooder clean, we should be golden, right? (Im pretty anal about that kind of thing, i even clean the outside run twice a week, and theres only two girls out there).

Also-chickies have been here for almost 24 hours...and the 31 of them have mowed through TEN measuring cups of food and nearly two gallons of water. glad im a SAHCK (stay at home critter keeper) or those waterers would be bone dry! Crazy chickens!
i start mine off with medicated but after a while i take them off it
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Medicated feed is no substitute for good management. If your chicks are healthy and strong they do not need medicated feed.
Well, it is a personal decision with a lot of folks (to feed medicated or non medicated). I was told by some..... why medicate when there is not any sickness or disease present? It may only weaken the young chicks immune system. On the other hand, given the conditions that baby chicks are exposed to in their early days of life, bacteria from their feces (which they seem to be intrigued with pecking at) can be a challenge to their pure little systems. I feed the medicated at first and then switch to the non medicated by the time the first bag is consumed. Also, I mix the two feeds when I begin the transition. So far, great results! Hope this helps. Keeping the brooder clean is essential. I have always had great luck with newspaper or shredded paper for the first week and then switched to pine shavings. Good luck with your baby chicks!
Medicated feed helps with coccidiosis. It doesn't prevent it, or heal it, but rather it slows down how fast the infection spreads to give the chicken more time to build an immunity to it.

Coccidiosis can happen if they environment your chicks are in is very wet (overrun with droppings, and spilled water), or is spread from chicken to chicken.

I'd recommend using medicated feed until about 3-4 weeks after placing them outside.
I don't use medicated feed, but I also keep Corid [Cocci Medication: Amprolium] on hand. One of my chicks came down with Cocci, but is now doing fine because of Corid. It comes in two forms. 20% Powder and 9.6% Liquid. I have powder and it works great. 1/4 teasppon per half gallon.

I got the Corid powder from Tractor Supply for $23 and will last a very long time.
I don't use medicated feed, but I also keep Corid [Cocci Medication: Amprolium] on hand. One of my chicks came down with Cocci, but is now doing fine because of Corid. It comes in two forms. 20% Powder and 9.6% Liquid. I have powder and it works great. 1/4 teasppon per half gallon.

I got the Corid powder from Tractor Supply for $23 and will last a very long time.
Yeah, that works too. But at least where I am, medicated feed isn't any more expensive then unmedicated.
I used to use medicated feed, but no longer. It simply doesn't give me the confidence I need that the chicks are protected against some of the more virulent strains of coccidiosis. We've suddenly had some new strains break out where we've never had an issue previously. Those strains went right through the medicated feed.

From now on, it is regular starter and Corid in the water for me. Everyone must do what they need to do and what works the best for them.
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I feel the same as Fred's Hens. I have always used medicated starter but I have had chicks still come down with cocci. There are such low levels of Amprolium in medicated feed that it's value is debatable. It is no guarantee that they won't so I don't see the point. Now I use regular starter and watch them like a hawk, especially when they first go outside.

There is however a lot of misinformation regarding Amprolium, the active ingredient in medicated feed. It is not an antibiotic and it will do nothing to harm chicks immune systems. All Amprolium is, is a thiamin blocker. The cocci protozoa need thiamin to thrive and grow. It does not kill the cocci, it simply suppresses their growth so that it does not overwhelm and kill the chick. Lower levels of cocci still remain, that is how the chicks are able to develop their own immunity to the cocci in their environment. So, far from harming their immune system, it actually benefits it.

Also, chicks can come down with cocci even in a clean brooder. All it takes is a good poop or few in the waterer, not to mention they are scratching around, they are going to come in contact with each other's poop at some point.

Just be very familiar with the symptoms of coccidiosis so that if it crops up you can treat immediately. Time is of the essence so if you start seeing lethargic chicks, not wanting to eat or drink, start treating them immediately.
I like to use medicated feed with chicks that did not come from our own hens. I also put the chicks in a 3 week quarantine, no persons or animals are allowed in the room they are placed in. We have chinchillas, cocci is FATAL for them. If the chicks come down I will sooner cull them than to infect the house.

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