Meet Drumstick, the one-legged cockerel--Happy UPDATE on pg 3

What an incredible story of survival! I hope somebody takes him. As far as he is concerned all other birds are 'wierd' because they have two legs!
I would love to have the little guy. I'm in Michigan though
Brave little guy! Such a nice story. Too bad you can't keep him. He would make a good role model for kids facing/surviving amputation.
Thanks for sharing Drumstick's story with us. It is amazing -- when we first get chickens we read all the diseases etc that they are prey to, and we think gee, they sounds so fragile, but soon find out how tough and plucky they really are.

If all he has is one perfect summer, that will be miracle enough!
And thank you, Jeanniejayne, for saying that. I didn't intend to tug on everyone's heartstrings about this bird, just wanted to share about how resiliant chickens can be to life's challenges. Almost all the cockerels hatched at my place are destined for the table anyway. My first thought when I saw Drumstick's injury was "Shucks, now we'll be short a leg quarter on this chicken!"

All my meat birds get excellent care, good feed, fresh air & sunshine, a grassy yard in which to range. They are handled gently right up to the end and are dispatched quickly & humanely, hearing soothing voices the whole while. A much nicer deal than they'd receive from any predator or disease.

Drumstick would be a tempting target for the hawks passing overhead so he must be confined to a covered pen. He might be a frustrated rooster without the ability to successfully mate with the hens, and they'd be bare-backed from him trying to grab hold with one foot. If someone really really wanted to devote extra time & energy to such a rooster I'd give him to them. But really, I think he's fortunate that he has these extra months to enjoy on this side of the road rather than sharing the fate of his flock-mates that the raccoon chewed up.

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