Meet Oreo


7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
Up North MN

This is little oreo he/she is about a week and a half old. Does anyone have any idea what kind of duck she is? They were sold as hatchery choice. We also purchased 2 more one is completely black and the other has a tiny bit of yellow. I just love their cute little feet.
So cute! sorry no idea, i am not the best at breeds, i only own 2 at the moment so little personal experience past that. What breeds do they sell? that may help you narrow it down.
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We have one older that might be a black Swedish. He is black with a white chest. Is this breed aggressive. Duckie Momo seems at the top of the adult duck heap and when I put oreo and his buddies in a pen with the ducks that are about a week older and they were picking fights with the big ducks.
We have one older that might be a black Swedish. He is black with a white chest. Is this breed aggressive. Duckie Momo seems at the top of the adult duck heap and when I put oreo and his buddies in a pen with the ducks that are about a week older and they were picking fights with the big ducks.
Never a good idea to stick new ducks into a pen full of established ducks, separating with fencing is the best way then they can all see each other but can't fight. Soon you can take down the fence and toss some treats on the ground and hopefully they will be so happy eating they won't realize they are all together right off.
They seem to be getting along fine now. We had to separate the baby geese from the duck because the new goslings don't like ducks. We have a screen between them and now they both crowd up to the screen before they go to bed to stay warmer. The ducks were quacking at the geese when it started to get dark as if to say get over here. They both have heat lamps but seem to prefer each other at least at night.
They seem to be getting along fine now. We had to separate the baby geese from the duck because the new goslings don't like ducks. We have a screen between them and now they both crowd up to the screen before they go to bed to stay warmer. The ducks were quacking at the geese when it started to get dark as if to say get over here. They both have heat lamps but seem to prefer each other at least at night.
Great news!!

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